Rotary Club Visioning & Planning Session Template “To whom much is given, much is expected.”
6 Areas of Brainstorming Foundation Giving Membership Growth & Retention Club Administration Public Relations Service Activities Youth Service
Areas of Focus: Notes to Consider: Rotary International Annual Fund Foundation Giving Areas of Focus: Rotary International Annual Fund Bequest Society Polio Plus Fund Notes to Consider: What are our club benchmarks/history? How do we educate club members? How do we effectively advocate?
Membership Growth & Retention Areas of Focus: New Members (attract) Existing Members (retain) Family of Rotary (involve & engage) Notes to Consider: What are our club benchmarks/history? Do we have a Networking/Socials program? Are we prospecting? How? Are we surveying members? Do we have a formal membership program(s)?
Areas of Focus: Notes to Consider: Budget/Financial - Dashboard Club Administration Areas of Focus: Budget/Financial - Dashboard Social/Networking Engagement of Membership Succession Planning Fundraising Notes to Consider: Do we provide adequate training? Do we have and encourage fun? Do we adequately handle Public Relations?
Areas of Focus: Notes to Consider: Website/Landing Pages Media Public Relations Areas of Focus: Website/Landing Pages Media Printed Materials & Marketing Notes to Consider: Have we conducted an audit of our materials? Are we fully RI Brand compliant? Who manages our content & how? Do we have consistent frequency of message?
Areas of Focus: Notes to Consider: Community Service Service Activities Areas of Focus: Community Service International Service Grants (District and Global) Notes to Consider: What are our club benchmarks/history? How do we educate club members? Do we survey the membership to ask about relevancy? Do we seek new and comprehensive partners? Are the project sustainable?
Areas of Focus: Notes to Consider: Rotaract Interact RYLA Youth Service Areas of Focus: Rotaract Interact RYLA Notes to Consider: What are our club benchmarks/history? How do we educate club members? Are these programs represented? No? Why? Should we add/expand/develop these programs? Are we mentoring youth in some way?
Goals Objectives 1-2 STRETCH Goals (BHAGs) IE: GOSPA Planning Method Goals 1-2 STRETCH Goals (BHAGs) IE: “We are going to be the largest club in D5320” “We will be globally recognized for XYZ...” Objectives 6-8 Statements (quantifiable & measurable) IE: We will be at _____ members by: We will complete 10 Community Service Projects by: We will have $X in the bank by:
Strategies Plans 20+ “Traditional” Goals IE: GOSPA Planning Method Strategies 20+ “Traditional” Goals IE: Strengthen Youth Services Programs Build New Members Outreach Plans Lots of these – Specific Tactical Plans IE: Launch a new Rotaract Club at _______ High School Host 12 Membership Mixers Manage a comprehensive prospecting program Hold Vocational Talks in each meeting
Actions Tons of these – step-by-step to support plans IE: GOSPA Planning Method Actions Tons of these – step-by-step to support plans IE: Call _______ High School Provide the HS Counselor with all Rotaract Materials Host a Rotaract new member meeting Order the Rotaract pins
Specific Committees and Teams Build GOSPA Planning Method 1-2 GOALS 6-8 OBJECTIVES 20+ STRATEGIES Lots of PLANS Tons of ACTIONS Executive Team Build Specific Committees and Teams Build