THE HERBAL DRUGS IN OPHTHALMIC DISEASES AUTHOR: Dr.Pravin M.Bhat M.S(Shalakyatantra.) DEPT. OF SHALAKYATANTRA Sumatibhai Shah Ayurved College, Hadpasar, Pune.
INTRODUCTION AYURVEDA : The Science Of Life EIGHT BRANCHES OF AYURVED : 1.Kayachikitsa(Internal Medicine) 2.Balaroga(Pediatrics) 3.Graharoga(Psychiatry) 4.Urdhwang(ENT,Ophthalmology) 5.Shalyatantra(Surgery) 6.Danshtra(Toxicology) 7.Jara(Geriatric Medicine) 8.Vrishan(Aphrodisiac)
Ophthalmology is the branch in developing phase in Ayurveda Eyes :Delicate organ providing sight Dravyaguna is the branch of Ayurveda related with the Herbal informatics & pharmaceutics Most of the herbs in Ophthalmology are described under the heading of NETRYA & CHAKSHUSHYA DRAVYA
NETRYA DRAVYA Five sense organs –Eye is one of them Netrya – Beneficial for the eyes These dravya works on the sense organ itself i.e Eye Netrya dravya works as eye tonics preventing diseases of eye affecting from external factors E.g. Nirgundi (Vitex nigundo), Shatavari(Asparagus racemosus)
CHAKSHUSHYA DRAVYA These are the herbs which works on Chakshurendriya (i.e Retina:A nervine structure present inside the eyeball) These dravyas helps and important in Visual improvement and these are the visual Tonics
AMALAKI Emblica officinalis ,Garetn Family : Euphorbiaceae A/P : Vitamin C , Galic Acid PU : Fruit, Leaves MP : swarasa (Extraction) MA : 1.All Netraroga Swaras form applied into the eyes 2.Blepharitis : Anjan (collyria) 3.Progressive Myopia :Internal use 4.Leaf juice used as eye drops in eye disorders
HARITAKI Terminalia chebula ,willd Family : Combrataceae A/P : Chebulinic acid, Tanic acid , Galic Acid PU : Fruit MP : Haritaki made into a paste & boiled with ghrita MA : 1. Haritaki viz.Abhaya is used in eye diseases.Identification- Fruit has five lines on it 2. Conjunctivitis –Application on eye lids- Anti inflammatory action 3.Chakshushya-Beneficial for sight
BIBHITAKA Terminalia bellerica Family : Combrataceae A/P :Tannin, Volatile oils PU :Fruit pulp MP : Pulp made into a paste & honey added MA : 1. Inflammatory Eye condition – Local application of paste 2. Conjunctivitis –Application of Anjana 3. Important herb in Triphala trio
DARUHARIDRA Berberis aristata Family : Berberidaceae A/P : Berberine alkaloid PU : Bark/Wood MP : Decoction is prepared & honey added MA : 1. Used in burning sensation,watering of eyes & painful condition in conjunctivitis 2.250mg of Rasanjan (Extractum berberis) mixed with 20ml of RoseWater is used as eye drops
YASHTIMADHU Glycerriza glabra Family : Leguminoceae A/P : Glycerrhizin PU : Wood MP : Used in the form of Dried Decoction MA : 1. Used as Anjana in Corneal Opacity 2. Decoction is used as eye drop in Subconjunctival Haemorrhage
LODHRA Symplocos racemoces Family : Symplococeae A/P : Bark-Loturine 0.06%,coloturine .02% PU : Bark MP : Paste of Lodhra bark is fried with Ghee & tied in a cloth,is soaked in warm water,later squeezed well into eyes MA : 1. Used in pain caused due to Vata 2. In Subconjunctival haemorrhage- Acts as haemostatic 3.In Purulent conjunctivitis-Decoction used as eye drops
JEEVANTHI Lrptadenia reticulata Family : Asclepiadaceae A/P : ---- PU : Leaves MP : Jeevanthi leaves are boiled with ghrita MA : 1. Used internally in Naktandhyata (i.e Retinitis pigmentosa) 2. Application as an ointment in allergy due to Pitta
PIPPALI/KANA Piper longum,L Family :Piperaceae A/P : Piperine PU : Fruit MP : Pippali given as putapaka-mixed with honey MA : 1. Used in various eye diseases as in Retinitis Pigmentosa 2.Used in Kaphaj eye diseases
PUNARNAVA Boerhavia diffusa Family : Nyctaginaceae A/P : Punarnavine PU : Root MP : Rootr rubbed along with milk/ghee MA : 1. Used as anjana along with milk in Netra Kandu(i.e Itching of eyes) 2.Used along with ghee in Corneal Opacities 3.Used along with honey in Purulent Conjunctivitis 4.Lekhan (Scraping) property & anti inflammatory property
SHATAVARI Asparagus racemosus Family : Liliaceae A/P : Volatile oil PU : Roots MP : Payas is prepared with roots of Shatavari MA : 1. Used in Vataj & Pittaj eye diseses 2. Used in Acute Conjunctivitis having Redness 3. Used in Dry Eye Syndrome & Computer Vision Syndrome as Netratarpan with Shatavari Ghee
DISCUSSION According to parts used the majority of parts used in preparation are Fruits, Leaves followed by Roots & Bark In Mode of Administration most of the preparations were used Topically. Very few preparations were used internally as they are crossing Retinal Barrier.
CONCLUSIONS The Herbal drugs & their preparations are mostly useful in Conjunctivitis as it is the prime cause for many of eye diseases & various occular complications The Prevalance of eye diseases leading to Blindness being very high among economically backward class.So these cost effective preparations are very useful in such cases.