Keep fit and healthy
Give the English equivalents: A healthy mind in a healthy body. В здоровом теле здоровый дух. Wealth is nothing without health. Здоровье дороже денег.
Present perfect tense (настоящее совершенное время) I have broken my leg! (I’ve broken my leg!) have + V-ed (lll) -Have you walked your dog? -Yes, I have. -No, I haven’t.
Today we’re going to… Revise grammar (Present Perfect tense), “Should/shouldn’t”; Revise our vocabulary about “Food”; Find out what products are healthy and unhealthy; Listen to doctor’s advises what and how often should we eat; Have a look at the full English breakfast and try to describe it; Working in groups, we’ll make our “Healthy food pyramid”.
What’s the matter with them? 1 3 2 He’s got a toothache. He’s got a cold. 4 5 He’s broken his arm. She’s got a headache. He’s broken his leg.
What should they do? A visit to vet The parrot has hurt it’s wing. The dog doesn’t play. The fish doesn’t eat. The rabbit has hurt it’s leg. The cat has burned it’s arm.
Give the English equivalents: A healthy mind in a healthy body. В здоровом теле здоровый дух. Wealth is nothing without health. Здоровье дороже денег. An apple each day keeps doctors away. Ешь петрушку и морковь, будешь весел и здоров.
Keep fit and healthy Healthy food
How do you understand it? “You are what you eat” Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of life. How do you understand it? Do you agree?
What is your favourite food? Is your favourite food healthy? butter fish cheese bread cake juice soup honey tea sweets egg milk sandwich cereal cola pasta coffee chips Is your favourite food healthy?
Carrot is healthy for me. Sweets are unhealthy for me. What is healthy for you? Carrot is healthy for me. Sweets are unhealthy for me.
What products… … … … … …keep you healthy? …give you energy? …help you to grow and make you strong? … …are empty foods? … fruits chips cereal meat vegetables bread cola cheese honey sweets sandwich milk yogurt cake chocolate fish Ex.1-2, p.92, (Student’s book)
How often should you eat? every two hours once a day twice a day every hour three times a day every three hours You shouldn’t eat much at once. You should eat a little every two hours.
Did you have breakfast today? Do you always have breakfast?
English breakfast
English breakfast
? What was on the table?
The full English breakfast
? What is a traditional English breakfast? Is it healthy? Do the Englishmen care about their health?
Project “My healthy food pyramid” You should eat less… You should eat more… Put the products in the right order.
Homework “Моя любимая еда”
Round up What did you like most of all. What was the mood today Round up What did you like most of all? What was the mood today? How did you work today?