“Realities on the Ground – Achieving the MDGs in Zambia” Gender Equality and the Millennium Development Goals November 19, 2003 World Bank, Washington, DC By Dr. Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika Zambian Ambassador to the United States of America
Millennuim Development Goals Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger Achieve Universal Primary Education Promote Gender Equality Reduce Child Mortality Improve Maternal Health Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases Ensure Environmental Sustainability Develop a Global partnership for Development “Realities on the Ground – Achieving the MDGs in Zambia”
“Realities on the Ground – Achieving the MDGs in Zambia”
Women in Decision-Making “Realities on the Ground – Achieving the MDGs in Zambia”
“Realities on the Ground – Achieving the MDGs in Zambia” EDUCATION Successes COMMUNITY SCHOOLS. Program for the Advancement of Girl’s Education (PAGE). Move towards Free Primary Education. Pregnant girls can continue education. Challenges Decline in Adult Literacy Programs. Fewer teachers in rural areas. Longer distances in rural areas. Increase in female drop-out rate by 4th Grade. “Realities on the Ground – Achieving the MDGs in Zambia”
“Realities on the Ground – Achieving the MDGs in Zambia” HEALTH IMR (2001) Under 5 – 164 per 1,000 MMR – 729% PER 100,000. Malaria Incidences – doubled from 235 to 375 per 1,000 in 10 years. Malaria Fatalities – from 10.6% (1976) to 51.3% (2001) Health facilities Fee-paying Patients have to bring their own treatment supplies. Hospitals, Clinics -More than 10 miles walk in rural areas. Exodus of health workers to other countries Decline in outreach services and training of TBA “Realities on the Ground – Achieving the MDGs in Zambia” Ministry of Health(Zambia) 2002.
“Realities on the Ground – Achieving the MDGs in Zambia” HIV/AIDS Drop in youth infections from 20% to 16%. Involvement of Youth, Faith-based, NGOs, Government. Awareness Campaigns – radio, theater. Women – affected/infected, care givers. Orphans - 570,000; 11.5% (1990) to 65.4% (2001) (UCSF Aids Research Institute, USA) Strain on care givers and families Depleting workforce “Realities on the Ground – Achieving the MDGs in Zambia” National AIDS Council Report 2003 (Zambia).
“Realities on the Ground – Achieving the MDGs in Zambia” POVERTY 75% - 80% of people below poverty lines of one US$1 per day. Some regions as high as 90%. Declined economy due to sell of copper mines & other services Rapid and wholesale privatization Diversification (Agriculture, tourism, small-scale mining). Food Production – Bumper harvest 2002/2003. “Realities on the Ground – Achieving the MDGs in Zambia”
“Realities on the Ground – Achieving the MDGs in Zambia” ENVIRONMENT Challenges: Pollution from mining. Massive deforestation. Timber multinationals & Foreign Investors. Fuel (Charcoal) for domestic use. Rampant cutting of trees. Successes: Environment Council of Zambia active in: Public awareness campaigns Environment protection programs. Recent ban on Timber Export. Introduction of Mining safety department. “Realities on the Ground – Achieving the MDGs in Zambia”
“Realities on the Ground – Achieving the MDGs in Zambia” PARTNERSHIPS “Realities on the Ground – Achieving the MDGs in Zambia”
FACTORS IN ACHIEVING MDGS “Realities on the Ground – Achieving the MDGs in Zambia”