Ms. West Holly Springs High School Cold War Ms. West Holly Springs High School
Do Now What do you already know about the Cold War? Jot down what you know on a scrap sheet of paper.
Dr. Seuss The Butter Battle Book I am going to give your part of the room a piece of candy. You may eat the candy. Please try to avoid trading with other groups in the room, as that would disrupt our story. Listen carefully
Post WW2 Developments after World War II: United Nations New world organization proposed by the Allies. Designed to encourage cooperation and prevent war UN Security Council U.S.; G.B.; France; USSR; China Issued a Declaration of Human Rights (humans have equal inalienable rights) Potsdam Conference Allied leaders met to continue work from the Yalta Conference at Potsdam. This was called the Potsdam conference. American was concerned about the growing influence of Communism from the Soviet Union. Allies wanted to ensure Stalin would live up to his promises from Yalta. What were they?
Potsdam Conference (Continued) Germany was in ruins and the Allies needed a plan to govern Germany and rebuild: Germany and capital of Berlin divided into 4 zones Controlled by Great Britain, France, the United States, and the Soviet Union Soviet Union would take over the Eastern European countries and help them establish democracies A plan for Germany to pay back reparations for the destruction caused by the war
Iron Curtain USSR had been invaded by Germany during WWI and WWII, so this made Soviet Leaders nervous They wanted a buffer zone in Eastern Europe to guard them from another attack. The American and British leaders were nervous that Stalin planned to establish pro-Soviet Communist governments throughout Eastern Europe and beyond.
Iron Curtain Relationship between the US and USSR worsened and became known as the Cold War The Cold War struggle for power and control between the 2 nations w/ different forms of government, economic systems and ways of life. Cold War is a conflict between communism and capitalist democracy.
Eastern Bloc Pro-Soviet communist governments were established throughout Eastern Europe. This becomes known as the Eastern Bloc. East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, and other small European nations. Communism spread throughout Eastern Europe, tensions between USSR and western democracies worsened
Iron Curtain Churchill, British Prime Minister, gave a speech in the US in which he used the image of a Iron Curtain to describe the sharp division between the Soviet controlled Eastern Europe and the western democracies. Back to more details on this AFTER winter break
Arms Race By the 1950s and 1960s, Soviet Union and the United States raced to develop powerful new weapons. 1949 and US was deeply concerned about the first successful Soviet test of an atomic bomb and began to experiment with creating more powerful weapons. In the fall of 1952, the US treated the first hydrogen bomb, but less than one year later, the USSR tested a hydrogen bomb. USSR and US start stockpiling nuclear weapons in an attempt to intimidate the opposing power.
The Butter Battle Book You will watch the Butter Battle movie. Fill out the graphic organizer discussing the Butter Battle book as you watch the movie. Take note of the similarities between the book and the Cold War.