Annual General Meeting 2016 What you told us
Statutory submissions and what we achieved over the past year Information exchange Awards Feedback
Statutory submissions and what we achieved over the past year The CCG combined expenditure on non-acute (Mental Health, Community, Continuing Care and Prescribing) increased by 4.2% compared to an increase of 2.4% in acute expenditure. We received two allocations, one of £366.1m for the purchase of healthcare and £5.8m for running costs £7.4m of historic surplus from the PCT effectively rolls forward each year - no CCG was allowed to use this without permission from NHS England We proactively increased our surplus by £2m with the intention of drawing this down in future years. Finance Highlights Changing the Conversation We are changing the conversation we have with patients and the clinician who deliver their care Shifting investment We are shifting investment into prevention, primary, community and mental health care Improving the Community Offer We are helping General Practice to face its many challenges as well as supporting it to improve quality and to transform Grants to third sector organisations Our third sector health grants programme has been a success with over £1m of CCG funding allocated to 46 different projects run by third sector organisations to improve the health of our population, across all ages and needs. Investors in Excellence We achieved this standard, which recognises our commitment to how we work well as an organisation Bowel screening – hitting the target We met our quality premium target to increase the uptake of local patients carrying out the bowel cancer screening test. Connect for Health Our new social prescribing service has supported local people to access non-medical help and support
Key messages Should we talk about rationing? Information exchange Members of the Governing Body, GPs, practice staff, Third Sector organisations, patients and the public and other stakeholder organisations discussed a range of challenges facing the CCG Finance Primary care Cancer and elective care Medicines Public health Urgent care Children and young people Community services and continuing care Long-term conditions and adult mental health Elderly care Funding – there isn’t enough! Key messages Doctors and nurses are retiring and there is difficulty filling the vacancies More and more work for primary care Primary care needs to share good practice People need more information about their care Connect for Health is great but more people need to know about it Practice staff need more support and training to provide the wider range of services eg dementia More help needed in the community Quality of services needs to be assured A number of GP premises are not fit for purpose Should we talk about rationing? Pharmacists can help practices and patients Seven-day working will be a massive challenge
Awards Patient Experience – Ashfield Medical Centre Innovation - City View Medical Practice Collaboration – The Practice, Harehills Corner Enhancing Quality and Safety - Moorfield House Surgery Developing and Demonstrating Leadership Dr Naomi Penn Shaftesbury Medical Centre
Awards and information about good practice in primary care Feedback Feedback on our AGM format Likes Interactive Involvement and approachability of the Governing Body and CCG staff Awards and information about good practice in primary care Easy-to-understand summary Meeting colleagues Concise presentations Picked up good ideas from members of the public Quality of discussion on the tables Nice facilities The agenda worked well Relaxed atmosphere Inspiring and encouraging Third Sector involvement Dislikes Noisy! A bit chaotic Cold and dark Needed more time More information beforehand Photographer too enthusiastic! Parking
Annual report and accounts 2015-16 Further information