Finishing Up Rock n' Roll, Mid-Term Review & Genre presentations GLST 490 – Days 11-12 Finishing Up Rock n' Roll, Mid-Term Review & Genre presentations
Housekeeping Items We decided to remove one quiz on the readings, and reschedule the second one for November 16th. The 15% it was worth will be reallocated as follows: extra 5% to genre presentations or journals; extra 5% to remaining quiz; extra 5% to final exam. Today, we have a genre presentation from Kelsey (anyone else), and I'll finish up the lecture on rock n' roll. On Thursday, any genre presentations (?) and a mid-term review.
Review of Material We Have Covered So Far Music is universal in human society (specifics?), and serves a variety of functions. Some may be emphasized more than others from one society to another, but what are they are? Why do ethnomusicologists take a relativistic approach to music and what does this mean? What key innovation in European music changed the way music is often performed and experienced? What kinds of impacts have European instruments had? What has tended to increase with urbanization and industrialization?
Review of Material We Have Covered So Far What is the difference between a “maestro” approach to music vs. music as a participation sport, and how are the behaviours associated with each different? Nettl divides music into three aspects: sound, behaviour, and the ideas cultures have about music. Use a couple of examples to elaborate on these concepts. While we often associate music with pleasant sounds, need this always be the case? And, if not, why not? How people respond to, and evaluate, music often depends on the context. Examples?
Review of Material We Have Covered So Far Without getting into the details of Django's life too much, how does his (and other Romany musicians') life and music reflect some of the themes and concepts of the course? What was the role of New Orleans' Creoles in the emergence of jazz, and what were of some of its precedents? Why did New Orleans emerge as probably the most important hearth for jazz. What were some of the key sub-hearths? What tends to distinguish jazz from other forms of music? What two innovations helped advance the popularity of ragtime, and what did the same for jazz?
Review of Material We Have Covered So Far What are two examples where Duke Ellington used whites' stereotyped attitudes towards blacks to advance his career without succumbing to them? What are thought to be some of the reasons for the emergence of bebop? In what way has jazz become a world music? What were some of the key historical context factors that provided the backdrop for the emergence and popularization of jazz? What are some of the similarities in the cultural backlash generated by both jazz and rock n'roll? How has cultural appropriation played itself out in jazz and rock n' roll?
Review of Material We Have Covered So Far What factors helped induce the major migration waves of southern blacks to the north? How did urbanization impact on the blues? What relation did r & b have to rock n' roll? What role did country music in its various forms play in the emergence of rock? What role did small, regional studios and record companies play in the emergence of rock, and what was the response of the majors? Why was the south the main hearth for rock? How did rock n' roll influence racial and gender politics?
Review of Material We Have Covered So Far What factors helped it emerge as the dominant sound for youth? What was the process whereby British rock emerged from American influences, and how did it in turn re-cross the Atlantic to revolutionize the way American musicians approached the genre? What was the role of the blues in all of this? In what ways has rock become an international genre? What factors have contributed to its diffusion throughout the world? What accounts for its staying power (55+ years and growing strong).