WIGOS Implementation Activities in RA IV 30th March 2017 WIGOS Side meeting
Contents RA IV WIGOS Implementation Plan WIGOS Focal Points & Meteorological System Inventory Radar Data Sharing Sharing of data from Automatic Weather Systems & Satellites Recommendations for the Intersessional period
RA IV WIGOS Implementation Plan (WIP) Approved at the 16th Session of the Regional Association (Curaçao, 2013). Implementation Activities is given in Table 2 of the WIP. Activities which were deemed important in the WIP: Regional Flood Forecasting Project; Improving availability and utilization of AWS data not already commonly shared, both existing and silent; Regional Radar Mosaic Implementation Project; Capacity Development focused on Quality Management Practices. The approved 2013 WIP is available at http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/wigos/Basic- docs.html This slide is to show what activities was included in the WIP which was approved in 2013. The link to WMO’s website is included for access to the 2013 WIR.
WIGOS Focal Points & Meteorological System Inventory Correspondence sent to the Permanent Representatives requesting the naming of WIGOS Focal Points and a country meteorological systems inventory. The Focal Point is responsible for the maintenance of a country’s WIGOS metadata records. Highlight that the PRs were requested to name WIGOS Focal Points. That there was a workshop for the Anglophone Members of RA IV in December 2015 and there will be a workshop in the near future for the Ibero-American Members. Only Focal Points at this time can edit and update the information contained in OSCAR/Surface.
Radar Data Sharing Radar imagery in BUFR format from Barbados, Belize, Cayman Islands, Curaçao, Guadeloupe, Guyana, French Guiana, Jamaica, Martinique and Trinidad is available on the GIFS server at https://ra4- gifs.weather.gov/data/RMTN/RADAR/ USA radar imagery is available online, the file naming standards is located at http://www.nws.noaa.gov/tg/radfiles.php, which also gives access to the ftp server with the imagery. Objective to provide information on were data from the Region is available of severe weather tracking. Indicate verbally that there is a need for the assimilation of radar data into NWP. Provide contact information.(FIND)
Automatic Weather Systems & Satellite data Equipment manufacturers have been approached to enable new AWS to generate BUFR observations for transmission. The Coordination Group of Satellite Data Requirements for RA III and RA IV created and Members have been provided with the knowledge on the various means of accessing satellite data and imagery form the GOES-R series of satellites.
Recommendations for the Intersessional period Have Members complete the nominate their focal points WIGOS. This inaction is affecting the ability of Members to manage their metadata on the OSCAR/Surface. Complete BUFR migration to include CLIMAT messages.