NORGLOBAL-2 Utlysning med søknadsfrist 24. mai 2017 Programkoordinator Inger-Ann Ulstein 26. April 2017
Thematic priorities for the call The programme will give priority to research within the following thematic areas: Global education (NOK 10 million – earmarked) Humanitarian efforts Conflict, security and fragile states Business development and job creation The environment, climate and renewable energy Projects that incorporate more than one of the thematic areas are encouraged.
The following requirements apply to all project applications: Norwegian research institutions can apply Cooperation with Norwegian institutions Cooperation with leading international research institutions, including institutions from developing countries Project size: maximum 10 and minumum 4 mill NOK. Larger projects – 7-10 million kroner PhDs and/or Post doctoral fellowships must be included PhD rates 3 years: 2017: 1.039.000 kroner 2018: 1.075.000 kroner 2019: 1.113.000 kroner 2020: 1.146.000 kroner Post Doc fellowships 2 year: equivalant rate as for PhDs if the project owner serve as employer. If not lower.
The following requirements apply to all project applications: The applications, including all attachments, must be written in English. All attachments must be in pdf-format. All applications must have outstanding international partners. Research partners of high standard from developing countries is encouraged. Maximum 4 years and minimum 3 years duration Earliest permitted project start:01.10.2017 Latest permitted project completion date:01.10.2022
Requirements A successful proposal will contain Clearly stated hypotheses or research questions A description of the methodology to be applied An explanation of how the project can increase and add to existing knowledge, A description of how the project will co-produce knowledge between Norwegian researchers and leading international partners, including researchers from developing countries when relevant Clear description(s) of specific challenge(s) and how the new knowledge from the research can contribute to understanding and solving global development challenges
Requirements Applications must include plans for regular communication/dissemination activities throughout the project period. Findings should be shared on a semi-annual basis, and provide Norad, the MFA and other relevant practitioners and stakeholders with research findings that might be valuable for policy development and decision-making.
Mandatory attachments: A project description using the designated template of maximum 10 pages, including the list of references. The page format must be A4 with 2-cm margins, 11-point font (Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri) and single spacing. The project description must include detailed plans for communication/dissemination, including plans for popular disseminations, policy briefs and peer reviewed articles, as well as dialogue meetings with practitioners and stakeholders. The project plan must include plans for networking and internationalisation. A letter of intent, confirming the commitment in the project, from all cooperating partner institutions. A spreadsheet with detailed budget specifications, including the allocations to all international partners. CVs for all senior scientists participating in the project. Maximum length of CVs is 4 pages.
Evaluation of the proposals The project evaluation will be done by expert panels Their recommendations will be presented to the NORGLOBAL programme board as an advise The final decision will be taken by the NORGLOBAL programme board The final decision will be an overall assessment based on the expert panels evaluation, strategic considerations and the projects relevance to the call and the programme plan.
Evaluation criteria Scientific merit Qualification of the project manager and the group Implementation plan and resource parameters National cooperation International cooperation Dissemination and communication of results Relevance to the call Overall assessment based on the specific criteria which the panel have been asked ot asess
Other criteria Etchical considerations Environmental impact Recruitment of women Gender balance in the project Gender perspective in the reserach Internationalisation
Web pages Link til utlysningen: NORGLOBALs hjemmeside: