Space By : Jayden,Ty, DD
Space Powerpoint Overview Rotation of the Earth Earth rotation around the sun Tilt of axis Solar system (stars, sun, planet) Gravity The Sun.
What is space? The physical universe beyond the earth's atmosphere. It consist of stars,planets,and moons. The apollo astronauts footprints will stay there for about 100 million years.
Solar Systems The Solar System is made up of all the planets that orbit our Sun. The Solar System also consists of moons, comets, asteroids, minor planets, and dust and gas. Everything revolves around the Sun. The solar system was formed around 4.6 billion years ago.The four small inner planets are Mercury,Venus,Earth, and Mars. They are known as the terrestrial plants.The four outer planets are Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,and Neptune. They are also known as the Ice Giants.
The Sun The sun accounts for 99.86% of mass in solar system. Over one million Earths could fit inside the sun. One day the sun will burn out. The energy created by the Sun core is nuclear fission. The sun is almost a perfect sphere. The sun is mostly composed of helium. Light from the sun takes eight minutes to reach the earth.
Gravity Every object in space has a gravitational pull. Gravity influences the paths taken by everything traveling through space. It is the glue that holds together entire galaxies. It keeps planets in order. The sun's gravitational pull keeps our planet orbiting the sun. The moon's gravitational pull affects the earth's tides.
The Stars Stars are cosmic energy that produce heat, light, ultraviolet rays, and other forms of radiation. Stars are in perfect balance. Most stars are red dwarfs. Stars are made up of the same stuff. The biggest stars are the shortest lived There are more than a billion stars in the universe.
The Planets A planet is a celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Pluto is considered as a dwarf planet.
Tilt of Axis Tilt of axis is the tilt of the Earth's spin axis with respect to the plane of its orbit about the sun . The Earth's spin axis is tilted 23.5° with respect to the ecliptic. As seen in the picture. This gives us our seasons!
Rotation of The Earth Earth's rotation is the rotation of the planet Earth around its own axis. The Earth rotates from the west towards east. As seen from North Star Polaris, the Earth turns counter-clockwise.
Earth Rotation Around The Sun As the Earth rotates, it also moves around the Sun. The Earth's path around the Sun is called a orbit. It takes the Earth one year to completely orbit the Sun. As the Earth orbits the Sun, the Moon orbits the Earth.