Soybeans: Water vs. Propel Geek Squad Nathaniel Renegar, Remington Plunkert, Zachary LaPearl, and Trevor Harrington Soybeans: Water vs. Propel
Our Experimental Question, Hypothesis, and Conclusion Experimental Question: What is the affect of Propel sports drink on soybeans? Hypothesis: If we water soybeans with propel then they will grow faster because propel has electrolytes. Electrolytes hydrate and give energy. This might boost growth of the embryo. Conclusion: Regular watered plants grow at a faster rate than that of propel watered plants. Why: Propel contains extra vitamins for more re-energizing. Some of these come from plants. Therefore the plants have an excess in vitamins. Propel also has artificial flavors, which might have affected growth.
Manipulated Variable, Control, Constant Conditions, Dependant Variable, Growth Chamber, and Results. Manipulated Variable: Propel sports drink Control: Water (H2O) Constant Conditions: Seed type, growth chamber, and growth conditions Dependant Variable: Root length (cm) Growth Chamber: A plastic bag with a damp paper towel laid flat in the bag. Results: Propel plants failed to grow faster than water plants.
Our Method First, soak soybeans over night in water. Then take out 2 paper towels and 2 plastic bags. Wet one of the paper towels in water, the other in Propel. Place them flat in the plastic bag. Put the soybeans into the plastic bags. Place them on the top of the paper towels. Water the soybeans every two days. To measure, take a string a put it in the shape of the root. Then, pull the string taut, with your thumb where the end of the root was. Measure the string in centimeters. Write down and observations you would like to.
Summary Over all, our experimental question was answered. The answer would be that no, propel does not accelerate the speed of germination in soybeans. Water allows the soybeans to grow faster. Our hypothesis was proven wrong.
Water Vs. Propel (root length cm) x y