Status: The DBD 3D CAD model on CATIA is frozen Now, starting a new CAD version with update LAL collecting all informations from collaborators (3D model, services placeholders..) for example: in june 14 SDHCAL update design sent by LPNL Brainstorming group, start to work on an update of the ILD detector model: Karsten Buesser (DESY) ; Henry Videau (LLR) ; Roman Poesch (LAL) ; Alexandre Gonnin (LAL) ; Christian Bourgeois (LAL) In parallel each submodule teams continue to work on their own design. First modification: Reduce the distance of the L* to the IP : ask to reduce less than 4m Actually : 4,5m Lot of consequences…
Reduction of the distance between of the L* to the IP Inner beam studies: Need to approach the QD0 near to IP: move the vacuum pump putting before the QD0 Need vacuum simulation -> vacuum teams from DESY and LAL Reduce the thickness of LHCAL ? … The length and diameter of the experience could change.