«Innovation & Entrepreneurship at Patras Science Park» Athens, 25 November 2016
Who we are «Science & Technology Park – Incubator – Business Accelerator» for New Technology Based Firms (Startup, spin-off, spin-out). Research & Technology Organization owned by the Ministry of Finance and supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT). Managed by a Board of Directors with the support of a dedicated, experienced and professional executive team and external experts. Private premises: built in 1998 / surface of 5.000 sq.m. Ecosystem – Business Environment University of Patras, Technical University of Western Greece, Open University Computer Technology Institute, Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences City of Patras (300K inhabitants) Athens, 25 November 2016
Mission The main strategic objective of Patras Science Park (PSP) is to build an innovative entrepreneurial area to develop and transform regional economy through science, technology and innovation. Act as a catalyst to ‘facilitate’ and mobilize the productive and creative entrepreneurial forces of the Region. Athens, 25 November 2016
To Whom we are interested in Small Innovative Firms at their start-up phase, Firms with significant technological and Scientific orientation, able to exploit and further develop research and technology results derived from either the Academic and Research Centre Labs (spin-off) or large multinational companies (spin-out), Product development Sub-units (SBUs) Cluster Initiatives or Centers of Excellence Multinational Companies or their affiliates with long tradition and focus on innovation, research and technology development External experts in certain fields of the value chain, to co-operate and provide tailor-made services to Park tenants Athens, 25 November 2016
Main objectives Business Model •Commercial & Industrial exploitation of R&D results •«Built-up» of enterprises able to design and produce high quality & added value products, equipped with the appropriate entrepreneurial skills and organizational structure, and have adequate human and financial resources. •Co-operation with the Academia and Industry to establish permanent bonds and develop new products and services. Business Model Athens, 25 November 2016
Implementation Athens, 25 November 2016
Indicative Figures Athens, 25 November 2016 PSP: National and EU projects participated: >20 Budget(€): >6.500.000 Innovation HUBs: Aromatic and oil food ingredients, Clean Energy Sources, Nanotechnology, Aeronautics, Biotechnology Number of hosted companies: 15-24 Capacity utilization: 100% Number of Employees: >120 Scientific fields of interest: ICT Health Clean Tech Energy Technologies Engineering & Aeronautics Materials Biotechnology –Bio food Companies first established at PSP: Analogies, Samsung-Nanoradio, Bytemobile-Citrix, Antcor, Eyelead, CBL, Atmel, eConais, Irida Labs Company Origin: Region of Western Greece, Αthens, Germany, USA. Extroversion: >90% Funding from VCs: 3 Private funding: 5 Patents: >25 RTDI projects implemented: >25 Value of RTDI projects: > €20 m Capital Employed: > €6 m Spill-over effect Annual company capital employed: €9,0 million PSP annual operational cost: €300.000 Multiplier: 30 Athens, 25 November 2016
Investments Αdvent Technologies: Connecticut Innovations, Piraeus Bank, Systems Sunlight Irida Labs: Alpha Bank, Business Angel, Cadence/Tensilica Eldrug: Vianex eConais: Odyssey VC eDynamics: Ydator S.A. – Group Xylem Althom Engineering: Althom West Germany EASN: European Aeronautics Industry Bytemobile: Citrix Antcor: Attica Ventures, CEVA Inc. Nanoradio: Samsung Helbio: Morphic, Metacon Velti Analogies: University of Patras, Dianco Holding Company (investment group) Athens, 25 November 2016
Technology Transfer Office(ΤΤΟ) Scouting and monitoring of research teams and technologies Cooperation with companies willing to introduce new technologies or innovations in their production processes Intellectual Property Rights management Initiation of “proof of concept” projects and open innovation schemes Networking with other TTO’s in Greece and abroad Athens, 25 November 2016
Innovation HUBs Scope: Mobilization of the regional technology ecosystem Foster industrial research and technology development, promote and implement innovative ideas, increase co-operation with the industry and the market. Increase competitiveness, create new, innovative and technology based firms, create new jobs. Build strong bonds and long term relationships between researchers and industry. Create design & competence centers, risk sharing facilities. They concern: Co-operative schemes in selected scientific, research and entrepreneurial activity where a significant and developed critical mass exists. These schemes present a high level of RTDI capacity, extroversion and uniqueness (Industry disruptors). Athens, 25 November 2016
Thank you and hope to listening from you soon Prof. Vassilis Anastassopoulos President & Managing Director T: +30 (2610) 911.550 -1 E-mail: president@psp.org.gr URL: http://www.psp.org.gr Mr. Gerasimos Mentzelopoulos Chem. Engineer MSc., ΜΒΑ General Manager T: +30 (2610) 911.557 E-mail: mentzelopoulos@psp.org.gr URL: http://www.psp.org.gr Athens, 25 November 2016