2017 Leaving Certificate Grades and Common Points Scales Professor Philip Nolan President Maynooth University
New LC grade bands 70-74 Percentage mark Current grade New grade A1 90-100 A1 H1/O1 85-89 A2 80-89 H2/O2 80-84 B1 75-79 B2 70-79 H3/O3 70-74 B3 65-69 C1 60-69 H4/O4 60-64 C2 55-59 C3 50-59 H5/O5 50-54 D1 45-49 D2 40-49 H6/06 40-45 D3 25-39 E 30-39 H7/O7 0-29 H8/O8 10-24 F 0-9 NG 70-74
New common points scale Higher Level Grade (%) New CAO Points (HL) New CAO Points (OL) Ordinary Level Grade (%) H1 (90 - 100) 100 H2 (80 < 90) 88 H3 (70 < 80) 77 H4 (60 < 70) 66 H5 (50 < 60) 56 O1 (90 - 100) H6 (40 < 50) 46 O2 (80 < 90) H7 (30 < 40) 37 O3 (70 < 80) H8 (0 < 30) 28 O4 (60 < 70) 20 O5 (50 < 60) 12 O6 (40 < 50) O7 (30 < 40) O8 (0 < 30) 2 H5 4 O6 / H7
LCVP and FE LCVP Grade Revised LCVP Points Distinction 66 Merit 46 Pass 28 Foundation Level Maths 1992-2016 2017+ Points A1 F1 20 A2 / B1 F2 12
New common points scale Minimise random selection. Fully tested and modelled on 2015 Leaving Certificate examination data. Higher and ordinary level aligment. Points for H7 to encourage higher level take-up to recognise level of achievement (same as O3) H7 accepted for matriculation Bonus points for mathematics: 25 points for H6 and above
Matriculation 2016 requirement 2017 requirement 2017 LCE 2016 LCE 2 HC3 and 4 OD3 2 H5 and 4 O6 / H7 2 HD1 and 4 OD3 / HE 3 HC3 and 3 OD3 3 H5 and 3 O6 / H7 3 HD1 and 3 OD3 / HE
Your support for ongoing reform…. Broadening of entry routes Simplification and harmonisation of matriculation and programme entry requirements