The 7th Biennial Meeting Institute for Pathology The 7th Biennial Meeting of the Association for European Cardiovascular Pathology Cologne, Germany 23-24 September 2016 Registration fees Member 200 E Trainee 150 E Non member 220 E Congress Dinner 60 E Abstract submission Deadline: June 30th Congress language: English Conference Venue University Hospital Cologne Institute for Pathology Lecture Hall (Building 8E) Kerpener Strasse 62 50924 Cologne
Preliminary Program Friday 23.09.2015 11.00 Registration 12.00 11.00 Registration 12.00 Opening of the Cologne AECVP Biennial Meeting AECVP President: Annalisa Angelini, Local organizers: Rainer Bohle, Heike Goebel 12.15 – 13.00 M. Davies Award Lecture "On shoulders of giants" (On Congenital heart disease) RH Anderson, London, UK Chair: Annalisa Angelini 13.00 – 14.00 Oral communications 14.00 – 15.20 Poster 15.20 – 16.00 Symposium I “Olsen-Gourley Symposium” On new frontiers in heart failure The contribution of the pathologist to expand the donor pool in cardiac transplantation Mechanical circulatory support in heart failure O. Leone Bologna, IT S. Preston, Cambridge, UK 16.00-16.45 Keynote Lecture Regenerative medicine and biomaterials C. James Kirkpatrick , Mainz, DE Chair: Rainer Bohle 17.00-18.00 Coffee and Poster Session II 18.00-20.00 Board meeting AECVP board members 20.30 Social Dinner Saturday 24.09.2015 9 – 10:40 Symposium II Sudden unexpected death in Forensics- diagnostic approaches and prospects 20 min each Chair:tba Post-mortem imaging From morgue to prevention Toxicology and biochemistry German practice in SCD K. Michaud, Lausanne, CH J. Banner, Copenhagen,DK J. Lucena, Seville, ES A. Buettner, Rostock,DE 10.40-11.00 Coffee break 11.00-12.00 Business meeting AECVP members 12.00-13.00 „Olsen-Gourley“ Keynote Lecture microRNA in CV diseases A. Schober, Munich, DE Chair: Heike Goebel 13.00-14.00 Lunch and Industry presentations 14.00 – 15.40 Symposium III Aortic Valve stenosis Pathology and Treatment Interventional procedures for aortic valve stenosis: pros and cons Surgical treatment with bioprosthetic valves and causes of failure Transarterial valve implantation: interventional pathology Dystrophic calcification of native and xenograft valves T. Rudolph, Cologne, DE T. Wahlers Cologne, DE Van der Wal, Amsterdam, NL G. Thiene, Padova, IT 16.00-17.00 What is it? P. Gallagher 17.00 Cristina Basso 17.15 Closing Ceremony Heike Goebel, Rainer Bohle Annalisa Angelini, Mary Sheppard