ESA’s Earth Observation Programmes and GOCE GOCE User Workshop Paris, 25 November 2014 Nicolaus Hanowski, ESA Head of Earth Observation Ground Segment & Mission Operations Department, Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes
Science – the Earth Explorers … pioneering a new family of missions ! (… a personal relationship ?!)
GOCE: Gravity and Ocean Circulation First gradiometer in space Best geoid ever 5th version of geoid released in July 2014, including all GOCE measurements End of mission declared 21 October 2013 following depletion of Xenon fuel Re-entry 11 November 2013 … to think about how to continue the legacy …
SMOS – Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity Data delivery since February 2010 Complete Earth coverage within three days Outstanding international cooperation Mission extension until 2017
CryoSat - The Ice Mission First interferometric altimeter in space Global sea ice thickness measurements Data used for ice research, but increasingly also for oceanography Mission extension until 2017 © Thinkstock by Getty Images
Swarm – The Magnetic Field Mission Three-satellite-constellation, launched November 2013 Dedicated to the geomagnetic field
Copernicus: A New Generation of Data Sources Sent-1A/B Sent-2A/B Sent-3A/B Sent-4A/B Sent-5/5P Sent-6A/B Copernicus is a European space flagship programme led by the European Union ESA coordinates the space component Copernicus provides the necessary data for operational monitoring of the environment and for civil security Sentinel-1A launch on 3 April 2014 Free and open data policy
ESA Earth Observation Programmes Earth Explorers as a key component in the EO Programme … … deliberate choice of an integrated EO Programme ! A large part of ESA activities.
GOCE: A Wealth of Applications First gradiometer in space Lowest satellite orbit ever Electric propulsion 4th version of GOCE’s geoid released in March 2013; more than 70 million measurements of variations in gravitational attraction Gravity Anomalies Topography Geoid Altimetry Positioning Unified Height Systems Ice Mass Balance Post Glacial Rebound Oil and Gas Exploration Mean Ocean Circulation
Altimetry map (Envisat, Jason) High precision Geoid (GOCE) Scientific Synergy of ESA’s EO Missions The Gulf Stream Altimetry map (Envisat, Jason) High precision Geoid (GOCE) Ocean Dynamic Topography Ocean currents (GOCE) CryoSat Data of Ice/Water surface
GOCE Re-Entry 11 November 2013 As seen from the Falkland Islands… Nick Hanowski “first impressions” at NASA gravity models of asteroids at GSOC GRACE control room & operations at ESA/ESAC LISA Pathfinder science operations at ESA/ESRIN GOCE re-enrty Final path reported by the US Joint Space Operations Center, combined with the impact ground swath that was estimated by ESA's Spacecraft Atmospheric Re-Entry and Aerothermal Break-up software.
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