Intellicad Visual Basic Application Marian Kate Santos Programming Paradigm
History of Intellicad created by Boomerang Technology Inc., a privately held developer of Autodesk AutoCAD-compatible software acquired by Visio in March 1997 late in 1999 Visio set up the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium there are now several developers shipping commercial versions of IntelliCAD 2000: Brisnet CADopia StrucPlus
Why use IntelliCAD? Unrivaled DWG file format compatibility Affordability Easy to use LISP and VBA Development
Visual Basic Concepts VB is a Visual programming language 3 steps in constructing a program: Build the User Interface Customize the properties of the interface Attach Program Code VB is Event Driven. VB is also an Object-Oriented programming language.
VB Project Contents Form Files (.frm) contain all interface controls and associated VB code Module Files ( .bas) store procedures, functions, constant and variable declarations available to every form in the project MDI Parent Form Files (.frm) container window that can hold several forms Class Files (.cls) objects created in VB
Standard VB Controls Label Text Box Command Button List Box Combo Boxes Frame Image Box Picture Box
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language which can be found in a number of Microsoft Windows applications developed by Microsoft as a variation of VB to provide a Windows-compatible programming environment
VBA Set Up for Intellicad Define an Intellicad object. Establish link between Intellicad and VBA. Create subroutines which can be loaded from Intellicad.
VBA Set Up for Intellicad Step 1: Define an Intellicad object. Intellicad object defined is the Intellicad Document. Global Doc As IntelliCAD.Document Object is defined in VBA Module File(.bas) so that it can be accessed anywhere in the project
VBA Set Up for Intellicad Step 2: Add VBA object to project. VBA object (.frm) is added to the project in a manner similar to VB (drag & drop). UserForm.frm is added to project.
VBA Set Up for Intellicad Step 3: Establish link between Intellicad and VBA. Bind Intellicad document Doc to drawing file in use (drawParts.DWG) whenever VBA UserForm1.frm is called. Private Sub UserForm1_Initialize() Set Doc = drawParts.ThisDocument End Sub Intellicad objects such as lines, circles, blocks, layers, etc. can now be added and drawn to the drawing file.
VBA Set Up for Intellicad Step 4: Create subroutines which can be loaded from Intellicad. Public Sub main() Load UserForm1 UserForm1.Show End Sub This function loads UserForm1.Public functions defined in module files (.bas) can be called from the Intellicad interface.