Elementary and Middle School Math MLSN 2008 - 2009 Leadership Elementary and Middle School Math NCTM Principles and Standards Number Sense
Two Feet Cell Phones GROUP NORMS Sidebars Participate
Agenda Advance Organizer Best Practices in Mathematics Talking Partners Literature Connection Exploring What It Means To Do Math Leadership
Agenda Literature Connection Number Benchmarks Composing and Decomposing A Brief Look at the NCTM Principles and Standards Reflections
Advance Organizer Focus for today: Leadership – What is your role as a teacher leader? What leadership qualities do you think are most needed in your role? Number - What is the value of benchmark (or target) numbers? How can they be used in composing and decomposing to improve student understanding of Number?
Advance Organizer Focus for today: Exploring Mathematics – “Creating a classroom culture and environment in which children are doing mathematics is not easy.” p. 20, Van de Walle What are the implications of this statement for your classroom? NCTM Principles and Standards – What are the content and process standards? Why are the process standards important?
Review Tier III 1 – 5% Specific, intensive Tier II 5 – 10% Supplemental, small group instruction Tier I 80 – 90% All students Preventive/Proactive Review
RTI Vocabulary Check-up -RTI -Discrepancy Model -Universal Screening -Probes -Curriculum-Based Measurement -Progress Monitoring -Rate of Increase/Growth -Fidelity
We discussed…If “good math instruction” is a critical component of Tier 1….what does that look like?
Sept. Homework: Templates for Math “Looking Fors…” With your talking partner, discuss which template you used to help you be more intentional in implementing/supporting “good math instruction.” How would you edit either document to make it more applicable to your role?
Intervention is grounded in… Assessment Quality Instruction Data Collection & Analysis
Talking Partners Which category? How not to be a talking partner How to be a successful talking partner
Talking Partners Role Play With your talking partner discuss the question: “Why is talking important in math class?” Talk for 40 seconds each. Timer
Let’s Do Math
Number Benchmarks Composing and Decomposing
NCTM Principles and Standards
Reflections Sounding Boards