Youth Guarantee Schemes The case of Greece Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare Youth Guarantee Schemes The case of Greece January to June 2014: The Hellenic Republic is undertaking its 5th Presidency of the European Union since its accession to the then European Communities, back in 1981. (Greece held the Presidency previously in 1983, 1988, 1994, 2003.) The first six months of 2014 are a very important period for Greece: A member-state of the European Union and of the Eurozone, which, after a deep recession, is emerging from the economic crisis and heading towards real recovery. Through the sacrifices of the Greek people, we have achieved the best structural – that is to say, cyclically adjusted – primary surplus in the Eurozone: 6% of GDP. The Greek Government has successfully put the Economic Adjustment Program back on track by accelerating fiscal consolidation, improving competitiveness, and undertaking remarkable structural reforms in a wide range of areas. We have made Key Achievements in privatizations and structural reforms in almost all sectors (Pensions and Labor market, Public Administration, Health Care). And we are optimistic that the six months of our Presidency will coincide with our turnaround: our exit from the memorandum, and the recovery of Greece’s real economy. However, this does not mean that the crisis in Greece and Europe is over. Unemployment remains unacceptably high, especially among the young, who, battered by the crisis, and in the midst of a rising wave of euroscepticism, are seeking a new narrative that reasserts the fundamental principles and values that have enabled the European project to thrive over the years. So it is on this challenging political landscape that the Hellenic Presidency is unfolding, just four months before the European elections and at the very moment when we must launch the great debate on the future of Europe. Athina Diakoumakou Head Of Directorate of Employment, Ministry Of Labour , SociaL Security and Welfare
Greek Youth Guarantee Scheme Coordination at national level Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare Public Employment Service( OAED) Ministry of Education and Religion Affairs Ministry of Development and Competitiveness Ministry of Tourism Ministry of Rural Development and Food Ministry of Maritime and Aegean Union of Regions Central Union of Municipalities of Greece Social Partners Participating Entities
Labor Market for Youth in Greece 15-24 young people population: Approximately 1 million 15-24 Youth unemployment rate (2th Quarter 2013 ΕL.STAT): 59% ΝΕΕΤ Indicator (15-24): 2008: 11,7% 2012: 20,3% Eurostat., 2012 2013: 239.000 ΝΕΕΤ’s Resource: EL.STAT. (2nd Quarter 2013 ) 15-19 young people population: Approximately 549.800 Number of people participating in labour force: 41.300 15-19 unemployment rate (2nd Quarter 2013 EL.STAT): 72%, (2,2% of the total unemployed, approximately 30.000 people) 20-24 Young People population: Approximately 516.000 Number of people participating in labour force: 261.200 20-24 unemployment rate (2nd Quarter 2013 EL.STAT): 57%. (11% of the total unemployed, approximately 150.000 unemployed)
LABOUR MARKET CHALLENGES 2008-2013: Annual average rate of employed >15 decreased by 943.000 90,2% of Greek enterprises employ up to 10 people- limited opportunities of apprenticeship Lack of a permanent diagnosis system for the needs of the labour market Wide range of programmes and agencies Lag in gaining first occupational experience
Strategic Target Youth Guarantee Scheme, when fully implemented, will ensure that all people <25 within 4 months of leaving formal education or being without employment, will receive a good quality proposal for employment, vocational training, apprenticeship or traineeship
Institutional Interventions Implementation of the reform on vocational training Establishment of the “Apprenticeship Class” Foundation and operation of Vocational Training Schools (SEK) Development of the national qualification framework and of a certification system– ΕΟPEP Introduction of a diagnosis system for the needs of the labour market Completion of Process Reengineering in OAED We strongly believe that seas and oceans are drivers for the European economy, with great potential for innovation and growth We will therefore pursue the development of an integrated European maritime policy that transcends all of our priority areas – including migration, jobs and growth – and encourage synergies in a wide range of vital sectors, such as blue growth, tourism, fisheries, energy, and maritime spatial planning.
Early intervention and activation measures Webpage including all programmes and actions of the Youth Guarantee. Visits at school units of Secondary Education. Counseling Services – liaison offices of occupational schools We strongly believe that seas and oceans are drivers for the European economy, with great potential for innovation and growth We will therefore pursue the development of an integrated European maritime policy that transcends all of our priority areas – including migration, jobs and growth – and encourage synergies in a wide range of vital sectors, such as blue growth, tourism, fisheries, energy, and maritime spatial planning.
Labour market integration actions STRANDS Apprenticeship and traineeship Obtainment of the first Occupational Experience Reinforcement of Self-Employment and Entrepreneurial initiatives Enhancement and improvement of skills – training Reintegration in education system We strongly believe that seas and oceans are drivers for the European economy, with great potential for innovation and growth We will therefore pursue the development of an integrated European maritime policy that transcends all of our priority areas – including migration, jobs and growth – and encourage synergies in a wide range of vital sectors, such as blue growth, tourism, fisheries, energy, and maritime spatial planning.
The role of apprenticeship in the Youth Guarantee Pilot programme 2014-2015 Refers to unemployed graduates of technical high schools (EPAL) & Vocational Training Institutes (IΕΚ) (2009-2013) Financing of 51 Vocational Training Schools (SEK) in ΟΑΕD Refers to 15-24 graduates of basic education We strongly believe that seas and oceans are drivers for the European economy, with great potential for innovation and growth We will therefore pursue the development of an integrated European maritime policy that transcends all of our priority areas – including migration, jobs and growth – and encourage synergies in a wide range of vital sectors, such as blue growth, tourism, fisheries, energy, and maritime spatial planning.
The role of apprenticeship in the Youth Guarantee Integration of new actions after the launching of the roadmap regarding apprenticeship European Alliance for Apprenticeships We strongly believe that seas and oceans are drivers for the European economy, with great potential for innovation and growth We will therefore pursue the development of an integrated European maritime policy that transcends all of our priority areas – including migration, jobs and growth – and encourage synergies in a wide range of vital sectors, such as blue growth, tourism, fisheries, energy, and maritime spatial planning.
Thank you for your attention! January to June 2014: The Hellenic Republic is undertaking its 5th Presidency of the European Union since its accession to the then European Communities, back in 1981. (Greece held the Presidency previously in 1983, 1988, 1994, 2003.) The first six months of 2014 are a very important period for Greece: A member-state of the European Union and of the Eurozone, which, after a deep recession, is emerging from the economic crisis and heading towards real recovery. Through the sacrifices of the Greek people, we have achieved the best structural – that is to say, cyclically adjusted – primary surplus in the Eurozone: 6% of GDP. The Greek Government has successfully put the Economic Adjustment Program back on track by accelerating fiscal consolidation, improving competitiveness, and undertaking remarkable structural reforms in a wide range of areas. We have made Key Achievements in privatizations and structural reforms in almost all sectors (Pensions and Labor market, Public Administration, Health Care). And we are optimistic that the six months of our Presidency will coincide with our turnaround: our exit from the memorandum, and the recovery of Greece’s real economy. However, this does not mean that the crisis in Greece and Europe is over. Unemployment remains unacceptably high, especially among the young, who, battered by the crisis, and in the midst of a rising wave of euroscepticism, are seeking a new narrative that reasserts the fundamental principles and values that have enabled the European project to thrive over the years. So it is on this challenging political landscape that the Hellenic Presidency is unfolding, just four months before the European elections and at the very moment when we must launch the great debate on the future of Europe.