Napoleon’s Empire
“The Consulate” French General, had many great victories 1799 – coup d’etat (quick seizure of power) against Directory Theoretically a Republic but reality………He set up a dictatorship Executive Branch – 3 members called consuls (Napoleon = 1st consul) 1802 - Named himself Consul for Life – approved by a plebiscite (vote by the people)
Restoring Order Wanted to strengthen central govt. & achieve some goals of Revolution Required taxes from all citizens National banking system Dismissed corrupt officials Set up lycees – government run schools Makes Catholicism the official religion but stressed religious toleration (He appoints all the bishops) Signed concordat with Pope Pius VII New relationship between church and state Church influence recognized but rejected in national affairs
Building an Empire 1804 - Names himself Emperor Continued success on the battlefield Early wins over Italy and Austria Battle of Trafalgar – British defeat French navy Gave up plans for invading Britain By 1812, controlled most of Europe People resented paying taxes & sending soldiers to fight for France
Napoleon’s Mistakes Continental System – countries must stop trade with Britain Failed – British maintained control of seas Goal to make the continent of Europe self sufficient Not everyone always followed the blockade
Invasion of Russia
Invasion of Russia He controls most of Europe by 1812 “Nationalism” feelings, foreign people resent paying taxes & providing soldiers for him Revolts begin in Spain & Austria Napoleon mad that Russia withdrew from Continental System Russia used a scorched-earth policy – burned as they retreated Bitter winter – not used to it, many froze (600,000 to 10,000) After French were defeated many other countries began declaring war on them as well. Borders returned to original status.
Napoleon’s Surrender Abdicated his throne and is exiled to Elba Napoleon returns a year later and reigns as emperor for 100 days (army & people support him) European countries advance – fear Napoleon would try to take over Europe again – meet Napoleon at Waterloo Napoleon defeated again (at battle of Waterloo) and exiled to St. Helena. He will die here in 1821
Legacy of Napoleon The Louisiana Purchase Napoleonic Code of Laws Spread ideas throughout Europe Equality Religious toleration Advancement through merit Reformed tax systems Promoted education
Congress of Vienna Europe needs to create a long-lasting peace Russia, Prussia, Austria, Great Britain, France Led by Prince Kelmens von Metternich Wanted to restore a balance of power
Result France is a major power but diminished Rulers Napoleon drove out were restored to their thrones Nations of an entire continent cooperated French Revolution Overall video