Potential and Kinetic Energy Use NB page 137
Activity How high does a ball bounce? Hold a meter stick vertically, with the zero end on the ground Drop a tennis ball from 50 cm. Record the height to which it bounces. Drop the tennis ball from the 100 cm mark and record the height to which it bounces. Predict how high the ball will bounce from the 75 cm mark. Test your prediction.
What is energy? change Produces Warmth Produces Light Produces Sound Ability to do work or cause change Produces Warmth Produces Light Produces Sound Produces Movement Produces Growth Powers Technology
How is all energy divided? Potential Energy Kinetic Energy Gravitation Potential Energy Elastic Chemical Nuclear
What is Potential Energy? Energy that is stored and waiting to be used later
What is Gravitational Potential Energy? Potential energy due to an object’s weight and height P.E. = weight x height Don’t look down Rover! Good boy!
What is Elastic Potential Energy? Potential energy due compression or expansion of an elastic object. Expansion of string Notice the ball compressing and expanding
What is Chemical Potential Energy? Potential energy stored within the chemical bonds of an object
What is Nuclear Potential Energy? Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom. Holds the atom together
What is Kinetic Energy? Energy an object has due to its motion K.E. = .5(mass x speed2)
Summary of Energy http://ed.ted.com/lessons/all-of-the-energy-in-the-universe-is-george-zaidan-and-charles-morton HW: Make a double bubble map comparing and contrasting potential and kinetic energy