Congo Exports Group Presentation Nick Bakunowicz Gabe Gottfredsen Kevin Mancusi
About Our Project Congo Exports The dedicated, one-stop shop for any Beer Enthusiast, and the centralized online presence for new and long-standing Beer Vendors everywhere. What We Do: Assist the customer looking for new beers (and old standbys) Assist the vendor looking to establish an online presence or expand their existing operation Our proposed cases:
Customer Use Case
Vendor Use Case
Admin Use Case
DESIGN PATTERNS Factory What: Why: Factory Design Pattern – creates objects without identifying the specific classes to be created DAO Factory – Data Access Object Factory Abstracts and encapsulates access to data source Why: Stored data isn’t always stored neatly using SQL Different RDBMSs, different APIs
Design Patterns Service Locator Abstracts the jndi lookups needed to create Session Bean objects, DataSources, and MessageContexts Caches EJBHome and DataSource objects so they don’t have to be recreated each time
Façade (Business Delegate) DESIGN PATTERNS Façade (Business Delegate) Hides underlying implementation details by creating a simple interface Reduces coupling between client and business services Allows for changing of business services implementation without disrupting client side code
Multitier Architecture Client-Server architecture emphasizes the separation of processes. Helps to separate responsibilities when building and maintaining. Data base JSP/HTML pages
High Level Architecture
Data Base Connection Retrieve connection using service locator. Return connection to pool
Things for version 2.0 Maven JMS Bean Listener to change shipping status Properties files for internationalization Synchronizer Token Pattern Password encryption Allowing customers to see past purchases Allowing vendors to look at past sales data