Julie Moore Director II Stanislaus Alternative Charter School Educational Options Division “Come Back Kids” Julie Moore Director II
Locations Modesto, Oakdale, Patterson, Turlock, Ceres
Overview Charter School Started in 2013/14 For Students ages 18 and older HS Diploma Employability Skills/Business & College Partnerships/ Trainings & Certifications Interview techniques/Applications/Portfolios/Resumes Local Business and Industry Workforce- NCCT & Opportunity Stanislaus College and financial aid applications
Overview Independent Study with a weekly face to face teacher appointment Courses completed online Courses are aligned with CCSS and A-G Use Read 180 for helping ELD needs Individualized Graduation Plans Counselor reviews previous transcripts/Credit given for previously passed courses Full time Mental Health Clinician and Student Support Advocate Mental health issues/Child Care/Health Services/Housing/Foster Youth Commencement ceremony December May
CBK Enrollment 2016-17 673 Students (as of 3/21/2017) (counts are calculated by Students actively enrolled in CBK until the last day of that given school year) 2016-17 673 Students (as of 3/21/2017) 2015-16 440 Students 2014-15 377 Students 2013-14 188 Students
2013-14 CBK Demographics (Ethnicity/Race) Total Enrollment: 188 Students as of last day of school year
2014-15 CBK Demographics (Ethnicity/Race) Total Enrollment: 377 Students as of last day of school year
2015-16 CBK Demographics (Ethnicity/Race) Total Enrollment: 440 Students as of last day of school year
2016-17 CBK Demographics (Ethnicity/Race) Total Enrollment: 673 Students as of 3/20/2017
CBK Enrollment by Gender
CBK Enrollment by Age School Year Aged 16-19 Aged 20-29 Aged 30-39 2016-17 146 318 150 38 17 4 2015-16 56 267 78 24 13 2 2014-15 15 315 34 10 3 2013-14 186
CBK Graduates *2016-17 graduates as of 3/21/17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Total CBK Graduates 105 251 81 86 523
Summary Positive impact on community: Increasing the number of HS graduates Increasing the number of citizens eligible for higher skilled work force jobs Creating better employment opportunities Better quality of life for citizens
Summary Independent Study with a weekly face to face teacher appointment Courses completed online/aligned with CCSS and A-G/21st Cent./rigor/relevant Employability Skills/Business & College Partnerships Full time Mental Health Clinician and Student Support Advocate
Thank You Contact me at: Like us on Facebook : Come Back Kids SCOE jmoore@stancoe.org (209) 238-8650 Like us on Facebook : Come Back Kids SCOE