Unit Two: Q & A by Vikas Swarup English 10 Week 8 10/25/10- 10/29/10 Unit Two: Q & A by Vikas Swarup
Do Now: On page 36 or 38 Agenda: Tuesday 10/26/10 Learning Goals: SWBAT 1. Identify and explain an important theme in the novel so far through writing, pair share and whole class discussion. 2. Explain their thesis statement evaluations from last night’s homework. Do Now: On page 36 or 38 Agenda: List and explain one theme from this novel. (review your notes on theme if you need to). What big ideas about life do you think Vikas Swarup wants us to think about (besides the plot) as we read this book? Do Now and discuss. Partner work (continuation from yesterday): Share your evaluations of the three thesis statements with your partner. Explain why you think they either are or are not examples of good thesis statements. Say goodbye to Ms. Fritz Read “License to Kill” and answer the guided reading questions on page _____. Homework: Finish reading “License to Kill” and answering the guided reading questions on page ____. Monday I just tweaked my Friday lesson plan from the week 7 pp as I did not get to the thesis part of my learning goal for that day. The Do Now was “Why did Balwant Singh lie?” as they had read “A Soldier’s Tale” over the weekend for homework. I had several students share their answer to the question as I wrote them on the board– we then talked about how their answers to the Do Now question for the day were like thesis statements (all were arguable and reflected unique ideas about the text). I used that to segue into the notes on thesis statements and the activity. (first we discussed the chapter though as lots of kids wanted to talk about it and ask questions). Students reviewed the qualities of a good thesis and worked with a partner to evaluate my three examples using the notes.
10th Grade World Literature: Ms 10th Grade World Literature: Ms. Fritz Unit Two: Q & A by Vikas Swarup “License to Kill” (pp. 192-210) Guided Reading Assignment Summary: List the main events in this chapter. What happens? Where and when does this chapter take place? Characters: List the characters in this chapter. Briefly describe them if they are new, or explain who they have changed if they are recurring characters. Important Quote: Select one important quote from the chapter and copy it here. Make sure you include the page number where the quote can be found. Analysis of Quote: Why did you choose this quote? What was happening at this point in the chapter (give some context) Why is it important? Vocabulary Review: Describe what the following vocab. words mean: Transgress 2. Agency How do these two words connect to this chapter? Questions: List any clarifying questions you have about this chapter that you’d like to discuss in tomorrow’s class. Theme: List and explain at least one major theme from this chapter.
Do Now: On page 36 or 38 Agenda: Wednesday 10/27/10 (double block) Learning Goals: SWBAT 1. Identify examples of strong thesis statements by reviewing the homework from Monday night, watching a teacher-model/think aloud and writing and evaluating partner thesis statements. 2. Review the main events of “License to Kill” by participating in a triad discussion of the chapter. Do Now: On page 36 or 38 Agenda: Answer the following questions in complete sentences! What did you think of Salim’s story? Did any part of it surprise you? Explain. What confused you about his story? Homework: Read “Tragedy Queen” and complete the accompanying assignment. Do Now and HW check (chart on “License to Kill”) Review Monday’s HW: Identifying examples of strong and weak thesis statements and discussing why. Think Aloud Partner work: Write a new thesis statement together. Thesis Statement Critique/Gallery Walk Review “License to Kill” by discussing the chart in triads and then working with partner to add to the narrative order side of the plot line.
Thesis Statement Think-Aloud Learning Goal: SWBAT Identify examples of strong thesis statements by reviewing the homework from Monday night, watching a teacher-model/think aloud and writing and evaluating partner thesis statements. Thesis Statement Think-Aloud Directions: I am going to model writing a thesis statement by thinking and writing out loud. While I do this you need to watch, listen and write: What do I do before I write? How might doing these things before I write help me? What am I thinking/saying to myself throughout this process? How was my process similar or different than what you go through yourself as you write a thesis statement? Sample Essay Question: Does Salim do the right thing when he learns the truth about Ahmed Khan? Copy down Ms. Fritz’s Thesis Statement: ________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Score the thesis statement using the rubric (1-4)____________________ Explain why you gave it this score: _____________________________________________
Thesis Statement Rubric Learning Goal: SWBAT Identify examples of strong thesis statements by reviewing the homework from Monday night, watching a teacher-model/think aloud and writing and evaluating partner thesis statements. Thesis Statement Rubric Qualities to be Evaluated 4= Advanced Proficient 3=Proficient 2=Needs Improvement 1=Needs Improvement/ Below Standard Thesis Thesis is an argument based on an understanding a text(s) Directly and completely answers the question/prompt and shows an original interpretation of the text Shows a plan for how they will prove their argument in the body of the paper Directly and completely answers the question/prompt Shows a plan for how they will prove their argument in the body of the paper, but a element of the plan is too broad or too specific Thesis/thematic focus lacks clarity or is misplaced. Mostly answers the question/prompt The thesis is not arguable. Thesis statement demonstrates a partial understanding of the text, or a superficial understanding of the text. Thesis is not clear or appropriate for the assignment. Thesis is not arguable and/or connected to the assignment. Thesis represents a confused understanding of the text or does not reflect that you’ve completed the text
Partner Work: Thesis Statement Practice Learning Goal: SWBAT Identify examples of strong thesis statements by reviewing the homework from Monday night, watching a teacher-model/think aloud and writing and evaluating partner thesis statements. Directions: For this activity you and a partner will practice writing a thesis statement that fulfills the criteria on the thesis statement rubric and the thesis statement notes. You should refer to both of these while you write your thesis. Your thesis statement will be in response to the following question. Write your thesis statement in marker on the white paper and post it on the wall in the room Essay Question: Why does Vikas Swarup make all of the adults in this novel so unreliable or even dangerous? What is he trying to say about adult/child or parent/child relationships?
Thesis Statement Gallery Walk/Critique Learning Goals: SWBAT Identify examples of strong thesis statements by reviewing the homework from Monday night, watching a teacher-model/think aloud and writing and evaluating partner thesis statements. Directions: After everyone has finished writing their thesis statement with a partner, get post-it notes and walk around the room and read everyone else’s thesis statements. Choose at least 6 thesis statements and give them a score using the thesis statement rubric. Write your score on the post-it note and briefly explain why you gave it that score on the bottom of the post-it. Place the post-it note next to the thesis.
“License to Kill” Triad Discussion Learning Goal: SWBAT Review the main events of “License to Kill” by participating in a triad discussion activity. Discussion Guidelines: All three members of the discussion triad must have their book and their completed “License to Kill” guided reading chart in front of them to refer to during discussion. All three group members are expected to be alert, professional and attentive during the discussion. You will be given a participation grade (1-4 for your performance during discussion). You will be given only 10 minutes to discuss the chapter--- so stay focused! Choose a group leader– this person is responsible for keeping the discussion focused and on-task. Choose a recorder– this person takes notes during the discussion (in addition to participating in discussion) by completing the “License to Kill” Triad Discussion template. Choose a presenter– this person briefly shares the hilights of the triad discussion with the whole class (refers to the recorders notes).
Group Member #1 (name)________ said… Learning Goal: SWBAT Review the main events of “License to Kill” by participating in a triad discussion activity. “License to Kill” Triad Discussion Notes To Be Completed by the Recorder Group Member #1 (name)________ said… Group Member #2 (name) __________ said… Group Member #2 (name) ___________ said… We feel the most important or interesting points raised in our discussion of this chapter were… Tomorrow: wrap up triad discussion on “License to Kill” and presenters share hilights. Quiz on “Tragedy Queen” and discuss Mini-lesson on levelled questioning. Homework: Read “A Love Story” and develop 3 level one, two level two and one level three question about the chapter.
Do Now: On page 36 or 38 Agenda: Do Now Thursday 10/28/10 Learning Goals: SWBAT 1. Discuss the main events of “License to Kill” by participating in a triad discussion of the chapter. 2. Recall the main events from “Tragedy Queen” by taking a reading quiz. 3. Identify the characteristics of level one, level two, and level three questions. Do Now: On page 36 or 38 Agenda: On page 230 of the novel, Ram says, “for the first time I felt as though I was not an orphan anymore, That I had a real mother, one whose face I could see, one whose flesh I could touch.” What is happening at this point in the chapter that prompts him to say/think this? Who is he talking about? Why is he feeling this way? Why do you think this might be an important quote or important moment for this character? Do Now Wrap up Triad Discussions from yesterday: 5 minutes Presenters share hilights from triad discussion (5 minutes) “Tragedy Queen” quiz (15 minutes) “Tragedy Queen” review: Drishti and Michael (7 minutes) Mini-lesson: Notes on level one, level two, level three questions.
Learning Goal: SWBAT Recall the main events from “Tragedy Queen” by taking a reading quiz. “Tragedy Queen” Quiz Directions: Answer the following questions using specific examples and details from the chapter. Why does Neelima Kumar reject/not hire Salim? Describe Neelima Kumar’s mother. How does Ram feel about her? How does Neelima Kumar change after Maaji’s (her mother’s) death? What happens when Ranjeet Mistry comes to rob Neelima Kumar? Desrcibe this episode in the chapter. What does this reveal about Neelima Kumar? What happens when Neelima Kumar’s boyfriend starts visiting her? Why is this chapter called “Tragedy Queen”? Why and how does Neelima Kumar kill herself? Why doesn’t Ram go to the police? How does Prem Kumar attempt to trick Ram during W3B? How does this chapter end (game show scene– what happens)?
Level One, Level Two, Level Three Questions Learning Goals: SWBAT Identify the characteristics of level one, level two, and level three questions. Level Three Questions: These kinds of questions transcend the text. They are deep thinking questions. They are inspired by the text, but ask big picture questions about life. Level Two Questions: These questions are still connected to a text, but have more than one possible answer. Answering these kinds of questions requires that you analyze a theme, or a character’s motivations or development over time. Level One Questions: Clarifying questions about the text Questions that have only one possible right answer Questions that require you to look back in the text and review or re-read in order to find the answer. These questions help you with reading comprehension– figuring out what is happening in a text. Example: Why do women often “suffer in silence” or put up with abuse? Example: Why does Neelima Kumar want to die young? Example: Who is Neelima Kumar’s mother?
Your Answers to your questions Quotes that connect to your answers. Learning Goals: SWBAT Identify the characteristics of level one, level two, and level three questions. 10th Grade World Literature/10B Unit Two: Q & A by Vikas Swarup Homework for Thursday Night! Due Friday 10/29/10 Directions: Read “X Gkrz Opknu (or A Love Story)”. Then complete the following activities. Leveled Questions Your Questions Your Answers to your questions Quotes that connect to your answers. Level One Question about the chapter: Level Two Question about the chapter Level Three Question about the chapter:
RE-read your thesis statement rubric. Learning Goal: SWBAT 1. Review the qualities of an excellent thesis statement by reviewing the thesis statement rubric. 2. compose a thesis statement in response to a sample essay question about Q & A. 3. Summarize the qualities of level one, level two, level three questions. Do Now: On page 40 Agenda: RE-read your thesis statement rubric. Which part of this rubric is most clear to you? Which part of this rubric is unclear to you? What element of thesis statement writing is most challenging for you? Do Now and HW check (leveled question chart on “A Love Story”) Thesis review Thesis Assessment Review notes on leveled questions. Reading time. Homework: Finish the book and write a response to the ending (see handout/guidelines).
Thesis Assessment Learning Goal: SWBAT Compose a thesis statement in response to a sample essay question about Q & A. Thesis Assessment Directions: This assessment will give me important information about your comfort level/ability to write strong, clear, arguable thesis statements before you have to write the unit two essay. This information will help me plan how I teach that essay. Essay Question: What message do you think Vikas Swarup is trying to convey to the reader about family in the novel Q & A? Your Thesis: ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
Complete the leveled questioning chart for “A Love Story”. Homework Due Monday: Read the rest of the book: “A Love Story” and “The Thirteenth Question” Then, complete the following assignments Complete the leveled questioning chart for “A Love Story”. Read “The Thirteenth Question” Write a paragraph summarizing the main events of the chapter. Write two level one questions, one level two and one level three question about the last chapter. Write a paragraph in response to the following questions: What did you think of the end of the book? Were you surprised by how it ended? Would you recommend this book to others? Why or why not? There will be a reading quiz on Monday on these last two chapters!
Small Group Discussion: “A Love Story” Learning Goals: SWBAT Summarize the qualities of level one, level two, level three questions and pose these different types of questions in a small group discussion about “A Love Story”. Directions: For this activity you will be working in groups of four to discuss “A Love Story” by asking each other level one, level two, and level three questions and responding to each other’s questions. You will receive a citizenship grade for your participation in this group discussion. Before you begin, choose the following discussion roles. Discussion Leader This person is responsible for keeping the group focused and on-task. The discussion leader also makes sure that everyone participates equally and that all group members treat each other with kindness and respect at all times (no playful put-downs). Recorder This person participates in the discussion (is not just silent and writing). However, this person also records the questions that group members ask each other and summarizes the way group members respond to these questions. Connector This person identifies connections between the different questions that group members ask each other and also identifies connections between group members responses to these questions. “This question reminds me of…” or “What you just said about _______ is similar to what ________ just talked about because…” Presenter This person shares the hilights of the discussion with the whole class after the small group discussion is over. The presenter might share one question that really sparked lively discussion in the group and summarize how the group members responded to this question. For Monday– reading quiz on last two chapters. Leveled question discussion about the last two chapters of the book. Tuesday– lesson on Motif. Hw: idenitifying motif’s in the novel. Give out study guide for unit two test (on Thursday) Wednesday– lesson on colonialism and post-colonialism in the novel. HW– study for unit test on Thursday Thursday– unit two test. (no class on Friday because of service learning site visit day). HW due Monday– Read the review of the novel and the interview with Vikas Swarup and complete the accompanying assignment.