Insights into International Trends & the Future of Joint Industry Committees (JIC) A Personal View… 13 August 2014
Paradoxes… “The test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.“ As F. SCOTT FITZGARALD noted in THE GREAT GATSBY “Paradoxes are part of managerial life.”“It’s an ability that’s vital in today’s competitive environment" TONY MANNING in RADICAL STRATEGY
So what is a JIC ? A JIC is where the research is commissioned by a committee representing all interested parties with equal status; media owners, advertisers and agencies. The committee owns all the data and makes all the decisions regarding it. Members’ views are expressed through sub-committees. Source: Adapted from World Federation of Advertisers and European Association of Communications Agencies
So what is a JIC ? CONS PROS Provides good value for money with greater shared costs. Generally the most reliable form of research. Scrutiny by all stakeholders. Joint involvement ensures data acceptance by all stakeholders. System most likely to promote innovation and improvement. More likely to appoint best neutral supplier than any other kind of organisation. Stakeholder consultation tends to slow down decision making. Can be challenging to set up as parties must guarantee funds in advance. Source: Adapted from World Federation of Advertisers and European Association of Communications Agencies
What would the alternatives be ? OWN SERVICE MOC Media owners commission research and thus own it. MO’s make decisions although a technical committee usually represents other users. MO’s control the currency. Marketers and media agencies have little influence. Can discriminate against non-participating media owners & exclude competitors. In some countries this is regarded as collusive behaviour Owned and managed by research supplier. Quick to set up and change. Cost carried by entrepreneur. Usually monopoly supplier thus cost to users expensive Difficult for users to influence. Little transparency. Source: Adapted from World Federation of Advertisers and European Association of Communications Agencies
So what do users want? Advertisers want real time data to direct strategy, determine reach and frequency to a specific audience, no matter what the medium.
“The good always gets in the way of the better” Global Trends… “The good always gets in the way of the better” - Carl Jung
“Whoever pays the piper, chooses the tune” Core Themes: Funding Crises vs Ever Increasing Costs “Whoever pays the piper, chooses the tune” #1
“It is not about who is right but who is left.” Core Themes: Forced Collaboration “It is not about who is right but who is left.” #2
“Rough is Enough” Core Themes: Agencies are Stepping Up #3 When you see a snake, kill it ! Ross Perot #3
“If you don’t make a difference, you don’t matter” Core Themes: Individuals command greater influence than members “If you don’t make a difference, you don’t matter” Resisters Bystanders Helpers Champions 20% 60% 10% Disrupt Change Neutral Attitude Encourage Change Lead Change #4
Television Radio Viewing Print Listening Readership Internet Core Themes: From media measurement to consumer activity across platforms Television Radio Print Internet Viewing Listening Readership Surfing #5
Core Themes: Perception vs Reality “The biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it actually happened” #6
Core Themes: Well Defined Metrics “If you cannot measure it – if you cannot express it in quantitative terms – then your knowledge is of a meager and insignificant kind” - Lord Kelvin #7
“Direction determines destination” Core Themes: Data Fusion IS NOT always the answer “Direction determines destination” #8
Core Themes: Always Pilot Prior to Roll-out "Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort.“ - John Ruskin #9
Core Themes: Stakeholder Commitment vs Stakeholder Involvement “When having a toasted ham and cheese sandwich, you know a cow was involved but a pig was committed to the process” Ultimately it can only work if you do "Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute." - Gil Stern #10
“It is not the fittest of species that survive, nor the strongest but the most adaptable”
Thank You !