R. Miteva1, K.-Ludwig Klein1, Ines Kienriech2,


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Presentation transcript:

Solar energetic particles and associated phenomena in radio and EUV wavelengths R. Miteva1, K.-Ludwig Klein1, Ines Kienriech2, Astrid Veronig2 and Susan W. Samwel3 1 LESIA-Paris Observatory, CNRS, Meudon, France 2 IGAM/Institute of Physics, University of Graz, Austria 3 National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Helwan, Cairo, Egypt 9th European Space Weather Week, 08–Nov–2012, Brussels, Belgium rositsa.miteva@obspm.fr

Outline How to explain SEP events with parent activity far from the source surface IP magnetic field line (Parker spiral or ICME?) CME How to explain SEP events with parent activity far from the nominal magnetic connection (W50)? flare Radio emission signatures for: shock waves, trapped and escaping electron beams EUV emission propagating large-scale disturbances in the corona SEPs in situ solar energetic particles, particles/(cm2 sr s MeV)

Data sample: SEPs Data selection deka-MeV protons (1997–2006) • Cane et al. 2010 (~25 MeV) → peak differential intensity, Jp (cm2 s sr MeV)–1 • All SEP events are associated with flares (X and M-class) and CMEs! ~ 100 western SEPs (Miteva et al., Sol. Phys., accepted) ~ 50 eastern SEPs (Miteva et al., CEAB, in progress)

Correlation: SEPs and flares/CMEs Parent solar activity Solar flares X- and M-class (GOES 1-8 Å channel) Solar Geophysical Data reports → SXR peak flux (Wm–2) Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) SOHO/LASCO C2 CDAW catalogue → on-sky projected speeds (kms–1) → No preferential particle accelerator (flare vs. CME) can be identified from correlation studies! open circles – Eastern SEPs filled circles – Western SEPs

SEPs and radio signatures GOES (1–8 Å) HiRAS Culgoora Ondrejov Potsdam ARTEMIS IZMIRAN Learmonth Wind/ WAVES Radio signatures • from (all) ground-based radio stations + Wind/WAVES satellite • from observatory reports IV: trapped electrons dm/m-λ (3GHz–30 MHz) Topic: statistical study on the temporal association between SEPs and radio signatures in the corona and IP space during 23rd solar cycle (1997–2006) II: shocks DH/km (30 MHz–20 kHz) III: electron beams

SEPs and radio bursts Here: a statistical study of Earlier works (incomplete list!) SEPs – m & DH type II bursts (signatures for shock wave) Kahler (1982); Cliver et al. (2004); Gopalswamy et al. (2002, 2008)… SEPs – m & DH type ‘normal’ III and III-L bursts (signatures for electron beams) DH III-L (long-duration): Cane et al. (2002…), MacDowall et al. (2003, 2009), Cliver & Ling (2009), Gopalswamy & Mäkelä (2010)… SEPs – type IV bursts (signatures for trapped electrons) Kahler (1982) Here: a statistical study of SEP–radio signatures of type II, III, IV in dm-, m- and DH/km-wavelengths with origin at E vs. W heliolongitudes using dynamic radio spectra and observatory reports Miteva et al., CEAB, in preparation

Association rates: SEPs–radio bursts E vs. W-longitudes (dm-II → intrinsically rare feature!) m-II → 90 % vs. 75 % DH/km-II → 85 % vs. 50 % dm-III → 15 % vs. 40 % m-III → 94 % vs. 88 % DH/km-III → all all dm-IV → 48 % vs. 42 % m-IV → 73 % vs. 55 % (DH-IV → intrinsically rare feature!) black – dynamic radio spectra dark gray – observatory reports only or uncertain light gray – data gap

Preliminary results: time offset Time offset (definition) Time at SXR max (SGData reports) – time at onset @ 245 MHz (RSTN) negative values: radio emission starts before the SXR max (i.e., in impulsive phase) positive values: after Analyzed events < 60 % Results (single frequency data): metric wavelength radio emission starts in the impulsive flare phase (future work: to extend the analysis to lower frequencies) Results (radio spectra of type III bursts): electrons accelerated in the corona can escape into IP space → flare contribution to SEPs!

Association rates: SEPs–EIT signatures SOHO/EIT disturbances (Thompson & Myers 2009 catalog, Jan/1996 – Jun/1998 ) Preliminary results • Western SEP events Yes: 40% No: 13% uncertain: 47% • Eastern SEP events Yes: 42% No: 2% uncertain: 56% • All SEP events Yes: 40% No: 10% uncertain: 50% Topic: statistical study on the temporal association between SEPs and EIT signatures of large-scale coronal disturbances during 23rd solar cycle

Summary Radio signatures EIT signatures All cases: • show electron acceleration in the corona (radio) • start in general during impulsive flare phase • have DH III (escape of electrons to IP space) • DH type II appears as a less typical counterpart of SEP events, especially in the western hemisphere, than generally thought EIT signatures Association rates SEPs–EIT `waves’: • EIT `waves’ candidates: ~40% • No association: ~10% • Virtually all E-events have EIT `waves’ • uncertain cases: ~50% ! (work in progress)

Discussion Application to space weather predictions • Similar correlation coefficients between the peak SEP intensity and the parameters characterizing flare strength and CME projected speed • Radio emission gives information on particle confinement or escape to IP space • Confined particles: no m/DH radio and no SEP events (Klein et al. 2010, 2011) • SEP events are accompanied always by m & DH radio emission (present work, see Cane et al. 2010 for DH radio) • Tendency for the meter wavelength radio burst emission to start during the flare impulsive phase • Only ~50 % of the W-events have type II shock signature vs. ~85 % of the E-events • EIT `waves’ signatures are promising candidate to connect eastern activity with SEPs at Earth (see case studies, Krucker et al. 1999, Torsti et al. 1999)