National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009-2020 What's been happening and what’s next? Perth policy forum 18 September 2015 Welcome everyone, I’m Brian Babington Chief Executive Officer Families Australia I’d like to start by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we are gathered and pay respects to their elders both past and present My colleagues and I appreciate you being here this morning to discuss the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children I’d particularly like to acknowledge Tricia Murray, Chief Executive Officer of Wanslea Family Services and Deputy Chair of Families Australia, and Tony Pietropiccolo, Chief Executive Officer of Centercare WA and a member of the NGO Coalition Steering Group
Agenda Introduction and aims National Framework aims and achievements Brian Babington, Families Australia Third Action Plan and role of the Commonwealth Dr Ros Baxter, Group Manager, Families Group, the Department of Social Services WA Government perspectives on the National Framework Kay Benham, Acting Director General, Department for Child Protection and Family Support Discussion and close We would like to follow this agenda I’ll say a few words about the National Framework’s origins and progress to date Then I will hand over to Ros Baxter, head of the Families Group in the Department of Social Services, to talk about the Third Action Plan Kay Benham, acting Director General of the Department for Child Protection and Family Support will then discuss the National Framework from the perspective of the WA Government We plan to have at least 45 minutes for open discussion before closing at 10
1. National Framework: aims & achievements COAG response to child abuse and neglect Australian children are safe and well Sustained and substantial reduction Public health model Key supporting outcomes Three-year action plans I’d like to start with a few introductory words about the National Framework Forgive me if I repeat what some of you know, perhaps from consultations held in Perth earlier this year The National Framework was established by the Council of Australian Governments in 2009 in response to alarming rates of child abuse and neglect Its primary goal is to ensure that all Australian children are safe and well It takes as its principal objective a sustained and substantial reduction in rates of abuse and neglect over time The Framework is based on a public health model which envisages most emphasis being placed on universal primary supports for families and children with more targeted assistance to those in need of help It has six supporting outcomes that need to be achieved, including that risk factors for child abuse and neglect are addressed, that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are supported and safe in their families and communities, and that child sexual abuse and exploitation is prevented and survivors receive adequate support The Framework is designed to have four three-year action plans – we have just completed the first two and, as Ros will talk about in a moment, we are about to embark on the third action plan covering 2015 to 2018
1. National Framework: aims & achievements Tripartite National standards for out-of-home care National Children’s Commissioner National research agenda Child Aware national initiative/conference From the start, the National Framework planning and implementation has been a tripartite undertaking, that is, a shared responsibility by the Commonwealth Government, State and Territory Governments, and the NGO and research sectors The NGO/academic sectors are represented by the 170-member organisation Coalition of Organisations Committed to the Safety and Wellbeing of Australia’s Children, facilitated by Families Australia There have been some important achievements under the Framework to date These include the agreement of Australia’s first ever set of national standards of out of home care, the establishment of the office of the National Children’s Commissioner, and the national research agenda Another major initiative has been the Child Aware Approaches project, at the centre of which has been the Child Aware principles and practices guidelines by Australian Institute of Family Studies and the three annual Child Aware Approaches Conference, which I hope some of you have attended I’d like to hand over now to Ros to say a few words about the latest state of play on the National Framework
Why is the Commonwealth involved: Leadership 2. National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children: Third Action Plan and role of the Commonwealth Why is the Commonwealth involved: Leadership Opportunities from collaborative action Third Action Plan – new directions Bringing together policy levers
3. National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children: A Western Australian perspective So how is it relevant and helped in Western Australia? A galvanising theme Lays the foundation for ‘child protection is everyone’s business’ Common understanding – keeping children safe Tripartite approach - roles of each of sector/jurisdiction Both ends of child protection: prevention through tertiary Importance of the child’s voice - Viewpoint National standards for OOHC
4. Discussion Comments and questions Why does taking a national approach to protecting children matter? What are the most important things that a national strategy on protecting children can and should do?