Getting Started on Your Project
Get into groups (by #)
The SuperVAD An important guide for planning An important tool for keeping on track and facilitating communication But – has its limits Share: what is your host site’s goal for your project? In this session we’ll talk about how we can move beyond the SuperVAD to find more tools to plan and work effectively
Organizational Assessment A snapshot of your host site’s current capacity in the area you’ll be working to strengthen Discuss: What weaknesses do you notice in your host site’s current capacity, based on the organizational assessment? Do you see any strengths regarding your host site’s current capacity? Where are there opportunities for you to contribute in strengthening your host site’s capacity? Discuss in groups
Compare Capacity-building focus Key activities Discuss: What similarities do you notice between your capacity-building project and the projects of other VISTAs in this group? Discuss in groups
Visioning: What do we want success to look like? Think, Pair, Share: What will it look like for you to build capacity through this project? Personally, what are your highest hopes and dreams for your work on this project? Think, pair, share
One strategy for planning It helps to start with the big picture. What are we trying to do and why? Then you can start with your goal and work backwards. What will it take to get there? As you begin to plan out your project year – moving from the theoretical VAD to a practical work-plan -
Analysis Get input from others and ask yourselves some critical questions about your goal/project before you get too far into the details. One tool: SWOT Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats One useful tool as you develop a workplan is SWOT analysis Show of hands – who is familiar with SWOT? What does it stand for? SWOT – identify and categorize internal (S/W) (organization) and external factors (O/T) (environment) that impact a project or organization. Pros: -good starting point for understanding environment and possibilities, including both assets and barriers/challenges -simple, flexible, easy to understand – can quickly brainstorm and synthesize various info Cons: -doesn’t prioritize factors or why they matter -doesn’t come up with solutions to problems or how to take advantage of assets– just a list -risk of oversimplification and easy to fall into trap of just seeing what you want to see and ignoring the rest, overestimating positives and underestimating negatives – need team/other perspectives to make it more useful -analysis paralysis/information overload
Re-Group (by letter)
Compare Service Area What similarities do you notice between the type of programming you will support through your project and the projects of other VISTAs in this group? Discuss: How will the community ultimately benefit from your host site increasing its capacity to provide high-quality literacy services? Who will benefit? Discuss in groups
Community Always keep in mind how your work can ultimately benefit the community – even though it may be hard to observe in your short time as a VISTA Make sure you are seeking input and involvement from the community as much as possible along the way ELLEN starts here
Getting organized Set goals. Break projects up into manageable tasks and write them down. Prioritize. Give yourself deadlines. Review your goals and tasks regularly. There’s no one “right” way. Find what works for you and your supervisor.
SMART goals Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-bound
SMART goals Bad example: “I want to get more exercise.” Better: “I will walk for 30 minutes, 3 times a week for the next 3 months.”
Action planning Identify a specific project (better yet – write a SMART goal) List out all of the tasks you will need to complete (action steps). Identify what resources you will need to accomplish each action step and what key people are involved. *Should some tasks be delegated to others?
Action planning Identify any potential challenges. Assign each action step a deadline. Prioritize. Which tasks are essential, and which would be good if there’s extra time? Track results. How will you know if you’re successful?
Work with your group to try it Your task: Throw a surprise birthday party for your favorite fictional character. Identify a specific project or goal. List action steps. Identify resources & key people. Identify any potential challenges. Assign each action step a deadline. Prioritize. Identify how you will measure success.
Time management Discuss in groups What are your favorite techniques for staying organized? Do you use to-do lists? Do you have any tricks related to using lists effectively? Do you have any tips for staying focused and avoiding distractions? Any tips for working effectively in an office setting? Do you have any favorite tools (apps, programs, office supplies) that help you stay organized?
Large group share-back Tips, tricks, techniques or tools related to project management, getting started or staying organized?