Our Mission To show Christ’s love to prisoners by coming alongside them and supporting them Let’s turn to Prison Fellowship 2 2
‘To show Christ’s love to prisoners by coming alongside them and supporting them’ We have over 2,300 volunteers across England & Wales A wonderful history of 30 years of Christian service We are currently involved with over 90% of the prisons in E&W Amazing people who give incredibly generously of their time and resources
Why? Prison population in England & Wales is approximately 85,000. The UK is the top incarcerator in Western Europe. 47% of adults are reconvicted within one year of release, rising to 60% within two years. It is estimated that 200,000 children have a parent in prison. 65% of boys with a convicted parent go on to offend. The Facts
What do we do?
Prayer Prayer is the basis for all that we do, and where it all started. Prison Fellowship Prayer Groups meet regularly to pray for prisons, prisoners, their families and prison staff. From prayer comes practical care to help and support.
Sycamore Tree Sycamore Tree is a course about restorative justice and victim awareness The programme develops offenders’ understanding of the impact of their crime upon others and upon themselves PF volunteers, motivated by their Christian faith, deliver the programme Right in the middle of it is the biblical restorative story of Zacchaeus
Angel Tree There are around 200,000 children in England and Wales with a parent in prison: Angel Tree supports prisoners in their family relationships by providing a way for them to give Christmas presents to their children. On Mothers’ Day we also enable young offenders to send a card and gift to their mum. Simple Rewarding Supporting Families With Love xxx
Letter Link Prisoners often feel extremely lonely and isolated, and many have lost touch with their family and friends on the outside. A letter might be the only communication a prisoner receives and can provide huge encouragement and a link to the outside world. Our letter writing programme enables prisoners to feel valued and supported while in custody.
Chaplaincy Support Everything that we do in PF, works alongside the Chaplaincy In addition to our programmes, PF volunteers also assist in a variety of other ways: Sunday services Pastoral support Bible studies Other programmes and much more… Prison Chaplains are some of the unsung heroes of the church Often working for years and years, literary hidden from the world behind walls
Local churches are vital partners in our work. We Need You! Local churches are vital partners in our work. Pray: prayer is at the root of all we do. Prayer changes lives. Volunteer: join us in action in one of our PF programmes or through supporting chaplaincy. Give: sow financially into our work to enable us to reach more prisoners.
How to connect Visit our website to find out how to get involved and to sign up to our newsletter Web prisonfellowship.org.uk Facebook facebook.com/PFenglandwales Twitter @PFenglandwales YouTube youtube.com/prisonfellowshipEW
Showing Christ’s Love 13 13
Prison Fellowship England and Wales PO Box 68226 London SW1P 9WR Prison Fellowship England and Wales PO Box 68226 London SW1P 9WR Telephone: 020 7799 2500 Email: info@prisonfellowship.org.uk Website: prisonfellowship.org.uk Registered Charity No: 1102254. Company limited by guarantee No: 5003795