Crossing the Jordan Joshua 3: 7-17
Transition passing from one condition or place or activity to another.
The Jordan
The Jordan River Not a sacred river To the Israelites it is a barrier—something to cross to the Canaanite and the Jericho person like Rahab and her family, Jordan river represented the fact that they were protected from the Israelites by their god.
dividing the Jordan River a powerful way that God made a declaration that he was stronger, not just than nature, but he was stronger than the gods of the culture.
Step into the water nothing will happen until you put your foot in the water once those priests stepped in, there were either going to be in over their heads or the river was going to divide.
Jesus’ Baptism just as the Israelites’ crossing began a new era of life in the Promised Land, so Jesus’ baptism also brought a new beginning in the life of God’s people
Ambassadors of a New Order
As ambassadors of the new order, our goal should be a consistent witness to the new order of hope and restoration.
Get Your Feet Wet
Get Your Feet Wet Will we trust that God controls everything—including the obstacles and fears before us—and step out in faith? Or will we stay on the other side of the Jordan and miss the opportunity to feel God’s power in our lives?
The Tamsui River