HR Open Standards Consortium Overview
Who we are Nonprofit, global, member-driven organization Leader in the development, maintenance, and promotion of HR data exchange standards International organization – specifications are relevant across international contexts 2
Who we are The certifying organization for HR-XML and HR-JSON standards A community of members and participants from HR software and service providers End user organizations Other industry standards bodies Consultants 3
What we do Interoperability framework for interactions between HR trading partners XML and JSON Business Case Scenarios Terminology Actors and Triggers Diagrams Sample Data Implementation Guidelines Best Practices
Using standards for integrations Proof in numbers Without a standard: The number of integration points between any two objects (assumes two way integration) grows at a rate of n(n-1). 4 components = 12 interfaces 10 components = 90 interfaces 20 components = 380 interfaces With standards: Going from ‘many-to-many’ to ‘many-to-one’ dramatically reduces integrations and costs. Formula = n * 2. 20 components = 40 interfaces White Paper: Plug and Play Business Software Integration The Compelling Value of the Open Applications Group,
Project Methodology Proposal Development Review/Approval Confirm Sponsors Identify Roles & Participants Finalize Scope & Deliverables Get Board Approval Development Define Use Cases Actors Triggers Diagrams JSON/XSD Examples API Samples Documentation Review/Approval Workgroup TSC Board Membership
Collaborative Environment
HR Open JSON 4.x Specifications Assessments Contingent Staffing Data Protection Employee Benefits Interviewing Payroll and Statutory Burdens Recruiting Salary Survey Screening Time and Attendance Wellness
Join Us! Become a member Join a workgroup Start a new project Use the HR Open Standards Include HR Open Standards as a must-have on your RFP’s Attend an HR Open Meeting November 16, 2017 in Germany March 2018 in Toronto
Connect with Us! @hropenstandards