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Presentation transcript:

Jeopardy Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Persia vs Greeks Athens Pericles Geography Sparta Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from H1 The major body of water that is south of Greece.

$100 Answer from H1 Mediterranean Sea

$200 Question from H1 A body of land with water on 3 sides

$200 Answer from H1 Peninsula

$300 Question from H1 The island south of the Greek mainland

$300 Answer from H1 Crete

$400 Question from H1 Ancient Greece was a collection of independent _______________ all with different governments, Leaders and ways of life.

$400 Answer from H1 City-States

$500 Question from H1 The mountain range to the north of Greece that helped Protect Greece from invasions.

$500 Answer from H1 Swiss Alps

$100 Question from H2 Name given to Spartan slaves

$100 Answer from H2 Helots

$200 Question from H2 Type of government in Sparta

$200 Answer from H2 Oligarchy

$300 Question from H2 Spartan main focus

$300 Answer from H2 Military / Army

$400 Question from H2 Spartan girls were trained in ____________ in order to Stay healthy and raise healthy boys.

$400 Answer from H2 Sports ex. running, wrestling, and Javelin.

$500 Question from H2 Island Sparta is located on.

$500 Answer from H2 Peloponnesus

$100 Question from H3 Type of government in Athens after 600 B.C.

$100 Answer from H3 Democracy

$200 Question from H3 Focus in Athens THREE THINGS!!!

$200 Answer from H3 Government/ education/ philosophy

$300 Question from H3 Athenian meeting place where Politics were debated

$300 Answer from H3 Agora

$400 Question from H3 Group of wealthy citizens that ran government undar Cimon

$400 Answer from H3 Areopagus

$500 Question from H3 A member of the upper class

$500 Answer from H3 Aristocrat

$100 Question from H4 Political leader that believed all people should have a Say in government

$100 Answer from H4 Pericles

$200 Question from H4 Political leader before Pericles who Was ostracized for supporting Sparta

$200 Answer from H4 Cimon

$300 Question from H4 Temple built by Pericles in honor of the Goddess Athena

$300 Answer from H4 Parthenon

$400 Question from H4 Highest hill in Athens and home to the temple

$400 Answer from H4 Acropolis

$500 Question from H4 War that Pericles was involved in between Athens and Sparta

$500 Answer from H4 Peloponnesian

$100 Question from H5 King of Persia in 521 B.C.

$100 Answer from H5 Darius

$200 Question from H5 Battle in 490 B.C. Persians landed 20,000 troops south of Athens The Athenians were outnumbered so they waited Until ½ of the Persian army left to attack Athenians win

$200 Answer from H5 Battle of marathon

$300 Question from H5 Son of Darius who took control of Persia in 486 B.C.

$300 Answer from H5 Xerxes

$400 Question from H5 Battle in 480 B.C. Athenians/Spartans vs. Persians Fought in narrow valley Won by the Persians

$400 Answer from H5 Battle of Thermopylae

$500 Question from H5 Turning point of all the battles between Persia And the Greeks where the Greeks learned they Would have to fight together to win.

$500 Answer from H5 Plataea

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