Yogyakarta Earthquake 25 April 2017 Update
Casualty Figures: as of 15:00, 24 April 2017
Earthquake Mt. Merapi eruption BMKG reported that tremors continue; highest 5.2 Mw Lack of availability of potable water and sanitation among IDPs leads to increased cases of water-borne diseases. Mt. Merapi eruption PVMBG maintained Alert 2 and may raise to Alert 3 if Mt. Merapi activities continue or worsen, leading to evacuation of all persons in the Forbidden, First Danger Zone and Second Danger Zone. Evacuation can not be conducted by local and national resources. Main concern: ability to conduct timely evacuation. Local govts. are revising evacuation plans should the volcano alert be raised to Alert 3 and an evacuation ordered.
Radiological Accident BATAN continues to monitor radiation and air concentration levels, as well as developing a Radiological Accident Response Plan In response to radiation leak, 2 km mandatory evacuation and 3 km voluntary evacuation is completed. GoI and in-country stakeholders managed to evacuate people to Magelang City. Threat remains on possible need for 5 km evacuation around PSTA. Emerging concern is accumulation over time of radiation by personnel, vehicles, and cargo as they transit the evacuation zones; GoI evaluates transit times and exposure rates through the evacuation zones
Central Java: Boyolali Regency as of 24 April 2017 1,305 dead, 10,398 injured, 126,181 displaced. Displaced persons started to return home; majority remains near Surakarta City. Possible support required from assisting MPAT nations to evacuate population nearest the mountain (Selo sub-district).
Central Java: Klaten Regency as of 24 April 2017 1,585 dead, 12,627 injured, 153,235 displaced. Displaced persons stop traveling along Yogya-Solo Highway and gather in the regency. Overwhelmed to evacuate residents living on the slopes of Mount Merapi due to roadway damage and debris, and lack of transportation vehicles
Central Java: Magelang Regency as of 24 April 2017 166 dead, 1,321 injured, 16,032 displaced. Magelang will not be able to conduct a timely evacuation or care for all displaced persons with only internal resources. As Highway 14 lie in the Second Danger Zone, evacuation process would be complicated, if required.
Central Java: Purworejo Regency as of 24 April 2017 975 dead, 7,771 injured, 94,300 displaced, which gather in Purworejo City. re-evaluate its evacuee reception plans to receive IDPs from neighboring regencies, anticipating required evacuation if Mt. Merapi erupts repairs to damaged roadways and rail lines continue
DIY: Yogyakarta City as of 24 April 2017 560 dead, 4,460 injured, 54,119 displaced. Related to PSTA accident, concerns over inability to evacuate remaining persons within expanded 5 km perimeter within the city, if required. Possible request for support from MPAT Nations is reiterated In relation to Mt. Merapi eruption, current challenges are damaged roadways, lacks of vehicles, temporary housing and relief goods.
DIY: Bantul Regency as of 24 April 2017 1,313 dead, 10,460 injured, 126,934 displaced. Related to PSTA accident, concerns over inability to evacuate remaining persons within expanded 5 km (voluntarily) within the city, if required. Possible support from MPAT Nations may be required Should Mt. Merapi erupt, its cold lava flow may obstruct evacuation Road repair and debris removal in rural areas continue
DIY: Gunung Kidul Regency as of 24 April 2017 973 dead, 7,750 injured and 94,052 displaced. With possible evacuees from neighboring districts due to potential Mt. Merapi eruption and PSTA accident, it will be overwhelmed to manage IDPs and distribute aid, especially if Adisutjipto International Airport is closed. Possible Karangmojo-Semin highway and other roadways in the vicinity of Bendung as alternate routes are being assessed.
DIY: Kulon Progo Regency as of 24 April 2017 560 dead, 4,461 injured, 54,140 displaced. Updating its evacuation and evacuee reception plans; concern over its ability to receive adequate relief aid should east- west roadways in and round Yogyakarta City be closed. Possible support required from assisting MPAT nations to evacuate population in case of evacuation order due to Mt. Merapi
DIY: Sleman Regency as of 24 April 2017 1,574 dead, 12,544 injured, 152,224 displaced. Should the evacuation zone be expanded into to 3 km (mandatory) and 5 km (voluntary), assistance from TNI with support from responding MPAT Nations is expected particularly on transportation capability. If an evacuation is ordered due to Mt. Merapi eruption, it anticipates requiring TNI assistance and support from MPAT Nations to accomplish the evacuation.
Yogyakarta Earthquake: 25 April 2017 Update Next update: 26 April 2017