Solar Demon Near real-time automatic Solar Demon Near real-time automatic Dimming, Flare, and EUV wave Monitor on SDO/AIA data Emil Kraaikamp, Cis Verbeeck
Outline Solar Demon Objectives Solar Demon system Detection of Flares Dimmings EUV waves Future work Demo detections are shown at: EUV wave plots for February 15, 2011 01:56 X2.3 Flare Event 01:50 UTC 01:56 UTC 02:02 UTC 1000 Distance (Mm) 0 60 0 60 time in minutes
Objectives Develop early warning system for earth-directed CMEs Flares and dimmings detected typically within 15-20 minutes! Characterize flare, dimming and EUV wave events for research purposes
Second AFFECTS General Meeting, Brussels
Second AFFECTS General Meeting, Brussels
Solar Demon System I Automatic detection of flares, dimmings and EUV waves For Flares and Dimmings no human Intervention Running in real-time on QLK (SDO/AIA) Early warning system (15 minutes delay) And on synoptic science data (SDO/AIA) To create a catalog of events for science purposes (1 week delay) Modular approach Input module(s) seeking for images 9.4 nm for flares, 21.1 nm for dimmings and waves Detection modules working on the retrieved input Flare, Dimming, EUV wave Database used for storing events and communication between modules
Solar Demon System II One continuous run, no version of events It waits for data, but can automatically jump over data-gaps Test image for artifacts Reduce false alarms ...
Detecting Flares Producer tool for COMESEP alert system SDO/AIA 9.4 nm images, detect bright changes Can detect multiple flares occurring at the same time in separate locations No macro-pixels, accurate flare location GOES flux/flare class is estimated using the brightness of the flare Also the original GOES 1-8Å flux is shown on the website (from the STAFF database) Producer tool for COMESEP alert system Provides flare location
All flares detected by Solar Demon on synoptic science data. May 2010 up to June 2014
A ‘butterfly’ diagram generated from all flare detections since May 2010 up to June 2014
Detecting Dimmings Event detection on running difference images Detect intensity changes on a 6-minute timescale Event characterization using base difference image from before the event was detected Only one event is active at a time If multiple dimming events occur close by in time or space, it is considered to be the same event Dimming mask will include this new dimming! Dimming masks become noisy over time Difficult to track events accurately for a long amount of time
All dimmings detected by Solar Demon on synoptic science data. May 2010 up to June 2014
Detecting EUV waves Difficult to detect on their own Output Dim and noisy features, even in difference images Detection of waves on detected flares Output Polar transformed difference images On flare center Track EUV wave over 1000 Mm for at least 1 hour Generate distance-time plots User can determine EUV wave speed in several directions from these distance-time plots on the Solar Demon website 18/04/2014
Future Work Provide fully automatic estimate of EUV wave speed in most prominent direction Integrate user feedback Reduce false alarms/misses Compare output to other event catalogs Adapt to different data sources SWAP, EIT archive, Stereo EUVI Associate Solar Demon events using other detection systems (e.g. Dimmings and EUV wave parameters, and CME parameters)
SolarDemonstration The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2014) under the grant agreement n° 263506 (AFFECTS project,