VOLUNTEERING 101 For Young People
Litter Patrol How about taking a garbage bag with you on a weekly hike and pick up garbage in your neighborhood? 1/2 hour times 52 weeks = 26 hours
Friend to a Neighbor Do you have an elderly or disabled neighbor? How about spending a half hour a week to check up on him/her to see if you can help?
Shopping Cart Patrol Find a shopping cart far from its home? Why not return it? Add up all the time pushing the cart back to where it belongs.
Tutoring You don't have to be an adult to help someone learn. What are you good at? How can you help a younger student?
Math Problems How about writing out a bunch of math problems for your friends to solve. You both will learn from the experience. Maybe someday we'll see a math book that you have written.
Send an update to the Youth Council The Youth Council wants to be aware of what's going on with youth in Lakewood. Take time to to fill out the form on the Lakewood's Promise website and track the time you spent doing so.
Be a Reporter Take a camera to school, team, and club special events and write up a news story on the Lakewood's Promise website. That way everyone knows what's going on.
Attend a Neighborhood Association Meeting And drag your parents along. You will learn lots of interesting stuff - like police and fire reports - plus you can give them a youth perspective of what's going on.
Adopt a Storm Drain FInd a storm drain near your house and make sure that it is free of leaves and pine needles.
Adopt a Bus Stop Some people can't seem to find the garbage can at the bus stop. Maybe you can spruce your local stop up a few times a week Keep track of the time you spent!
Remember HAVE FUN!