What can I do about it? Bullying
Agenda: Pre-test What is bullying? What are the different types of bullying? The victim’s view Conflict vs. Bullying What do you do? Post-test
2. People sometimes deserve to be bullied. Please answer TRUE or FALSE to the following statements. 1. Bullying is not against the law, but may lead to a person being suspended from school. 2. People sometimes deserve to be bullied. 3. Intentionally leaving a person out of a group to make them feel bad can be bullying. 4. A bully is a person that abuses another person.
5. Using the internet or texting to say hurtful things about another person is a form of bullying. 6. Boys bully physically and girls only spread rumors. 7. People should ignore bullying behavior and not report it because it only makes the situation worse. 8. Both the victim and the bully need help.
9. Bullies have almost no real friends. 10. Physical bullying is the most common form of bullying. 11. __ Conflict and bullying are the same thing. 12. __ Saying mean things to a person not as hurtful as being physically bullied. 13. The bully feels more powerful when he or she has an audience.
14. I know someone who is being bullied. 15 14. I know someone who is being bullied. 15. Bullying is not an issue at my school. HINT!!! – In our power point, the ones highlighted in red are the answers to some of the questions you just answered, so look out for them!
What is a Bully? A bully is someone who abuses others for their own pleasure or gain.
BULLYING IS AGAINST THE LAW!!! It is against the law in the state of Georgia to bully. Bullying carries big consequences. Students can even be expelled and sent to an alternative school.
Different Types of Bullying Verbal – making fun, threats, insults, name calling Physical –shoving, tripping, hitting, poking, etc. Cyber – THE MOST COMMON TYPE OF BULLYING. Saying cruel things online, by email, or texting. Emotional –isolating, intentionally leaving someone out to hurt them, rejecting, rumors, ETC. Both boy and girl bullies do these things! Boys and girls can spread rumors and get physically aggressive!
The Victim’s View The victim does NOT deserve to be mistreated. Put yourself in the victim’s shoes. How would you feel? The victim often feels small and worthless. In some cases, the victim will go as far as to commit suicide. Saying mean things is just as hurtful as physical bullying.
The Bully and the victim need help! Bullies often have poor social skills often have no real or true friends. There are kids who act like the bully’s friends because they are afraid to make the bully mad. Sometimes the bully is being bullied by someone else. The victim needs to learn two things. To be assertive and positive ways to stand up for himself or herself.
What Bullying is Not Conflict is NOT the same as bullying. EVERYONE has conflict at times and it is normal Bullying is not normal and unacceptable.
What Bullying is Not Conflict Bullying Equal power – on the same level or equally matched Imbalance of power - big/small, popular/unpopular, younger/older, or many vs. one. Bullies intimidate! Both parties are emotional The victim is unhappy or emotional. The bully is often enjoying it. May have been friends or when they work it out they become friends NOT friends. Usually starts as an accident – bad mood, hurtful or careless words, momentarily being a “jerk” Intentionally started by the bully or group to cause harm.
Conflict What do you notice? The kids appear equally matched and equally at fault
What do you notice? There is an imbalance of power Bullying What do you notice? There is an imbalance of power A bully abuses others!!!
So what’s it all mean? We all have moments that we act like “jerks” and need to say, “I’m sorry.” Even me! Bullies however, are cruel on purpose because they enjoy it or want to gain something from being mean.
Do bullies pick on others when they are all alone? Bullies always feel more powerful when they have an audience. Don’t be the audience for a bully!!! No laughing! No tolerance! No exceptions!
Bullies Need an Audience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFJapdigmxA
What Do You Do? TAKE ACTION!!! Tell a trusted adult! NEVER just ignore it!!! Bullying will never stop if you stay silent! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWJut7KQhI4
You have the power to stop bullying! “It is always the right time to do the right thing.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thanks for listening! Now let’s go back to the beginning and answer the same questions as before so that we can see what you’ve learned!