Sixth Form at Portland Academy MCSG February 25th 2016
Introduction, Vision & Ethos Portland Sixth Form is vibrant, busy department consisting of 52 students. Sixth form aims to provide high quality, bespoke study programmes that prepare all learners for the next stage of their career; The core principals of the Sixth Form focus on employability, vocational skills, citizenship, independence, self-advocacy, digital literacy, functional skills, living skills, leisure and preparing for life beyond the academy.
Broad and Balanced Curriculum with Individual Study Programmes that build on progress In line with the government’s interim KS5 measures 16-19, all students have an individual study programme, agreed with parents in year 11 and beyond; Our curriculum offer is broad and balanced. It can broken down into 12 key, adult-focused areas; Numeracy, literacy, Digital literacy, PSD, *Employability, domestic independence, community access, enterprise, creativity, *enrichment, *sport & transition. * Student Voice
Broad and Balanced Curriculum with Individual Study Programmes that build on progress Student voice is essential to shape curriculum offer; Accredited outcomes are key. 100% students leave with an entry one qualifciaton. “The curriculum is broad and Relevant.” OFSTED 2014.
A Broad and Balanced Curriculum. Students on Pathway 1 focus at independence skills, communication, making choices, and other important skills. These are generally personal progress units. Students at Pathway 2 focus on supported living, social opportunities/citizenship, employability/vocational and enrichment offers. These are accessed by personal progress units and, where appropriate, functional skills sessions. Students at Pathway 3 focus on careers education and opportunities, independent living skills, functional skills, vocational and enrichment opportunities. These are accessed through functional skills and foundation learning units.
Broad and Balanced Study Programme. Numeracy Function Skills Level 3 Function Skills Level 2 Function Skills Level 1 Personal Progress Literacy PSD Getting on with other people ICT Personal Progress Developing ICT Skills Personal Progress Engage with Technology FL Developing creative media skills Enterprise Participating in a mini enterprise FL Shopping for Daily Living Personal Progress Planning and Preparing food for an event Horticulture FL Participating in an Enterprise Activity Independent Living FL Cleaning, Washing, Drying and Storing Laundry Personal Progress Looking after your own home Lunchtime program Preparing Drinks and Snacks Work Work Experience Placements 25 Skills of Work Experience Caring for the Environment Personal Progress Looking after and caring for animals Personal Progress Developing Skills for the Workplace Community FL Planning for and taking part in a visit Personal Progress Personal Enrichment Personal Progress Getting Out and About Personal Progress Using a community facility SMSC Choir Challenge Days Creativity No Limits Arts Award Creative Arts Personal Progress Engaging in creative activities Enrichment Duke of Edinburgh (Silver) Sport Sport Leaders Enrichment (Thursday – see options) Transition Personal Progress Learning to Learn FL Planning and taking part in a visit
Progress Data and Accreditation Benchmarked with Beaumont Hill & Durham trinity sixth forms. Expected 40% of a level M1-M7 and ELc2-Elc3. 20% for those at M8 & ELc1. All Maths Number Measures Shape Data Above 59 29.5% 4 8% 14 28% 22 44% Expected 129 64.5% 43 86% 36 72% 27 54% 28 56% Below 12 6% 3 9 18% All English Speaking and Listening Reading Writing Above 45 30% 3 6% 26 52% 16 32% Expected 96 64% 90% 21 42% 30 60% Below 9 2 4% 4 8%
Accreditation Last year, almost 400 externally accredited units were achieved; Award Number Functional Skills 39 OCR 85 Foundation Learning 12 Personal Progress 219 D of E 9 Arts Award 14 RSPB 8
Work Experience and Careers
Work Experience & careers Extremely proud of Employability package; We have links with 16 external companies; 80% students accessed at least one six week block of External Work Experience; 100% went on at least one work taster visit; 98 external work placements in 2014-2015; 60% of students have been to at least one placement this year (47 placements so far).
Work Experience & careers Our approach is through increased student voice; increased targeted support; embedding of careers education across sixth form; small steps recording; Increased, on going feedback with employers to identify and address next steps; application and interview process; New careers education strategy being piloted; Strong links with SMSC.
Student Voice & Sixth Form Ambassadors
Student Voice & Sixth Form Ambassadors Student voice in study programme analysis and tutorial sessions; Student voice to choose options throughout the year; Sixth Form Ambassador Programme launched this year.
External provision We have partnerships with sixteen employers, which is growing all the time; We have projects with HE providers as part of transition and animal care units; No Limits SEN theatre group.
Meeting the interim Minimum Standards for 16-18 year olds Broad curriculum; Bespoke study programmes that build on progress; High focus on maths and English with specialist teachers; Similarly high focus on independence and employability skills; Very strong work experience focus; Quality careers advice; Non-qualification & enrichment activities; Physical and emotional wellbeing; Retention is at 100%.
British Values A real work ethic in Sixth form – students WANT to contribute; Tolerance for others is expected; High focus on democracy and positive role models; Safety (including E-Safety), healthy relationships, rule of law, financial and the British political process are all delivered where appropriate. Students contribute positively to society through fund raising, voluntary work, performing in the sixth form choir and various environmental endeavours. Challenge days also promote and teach a range of appropriate topics.
Transition in… Comprehensive transition process; Sixth form manager attends Yr 11 EHCP to discuss aspirations, outcomes and provision. Number of curriculum opportunities to facilitate post 16 transition in summer (both in KS4 and Sixth Form (trans, coffee, WDW.) Transition meetings in Summer term; Parent evening with manager and tutor followed by coffee afternoon’s are held. Milestones assessment carried out before entry to department.
Transition out… Weekly transition lessons in Year 14 focusing on EHCP and visiting a range of HE/other provision; Students are fully supported on transition visits to their next destination; 100% of students moved on to further education/employment in the last three years; On rare occasions of placement break down, we have helped with reallocation of students.
Leadership and Management Sixth Form Strategy Board