Regular affirmative tú commands


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Presentation transcript:

Regular affirmative tú commands Used to tell somebody WHAT TO DO They use the USTED form, not the Tú FORM The SUBJECT PRONOUN TÚ is not normally used with commands. If there is a subject, it should have a comma after: Pepe, escucha Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Regular affirmative tú commands The regular affirmative tú commands are formed by conjugating the verb in the third person singular in the present tense. comer come eat vivir vive live mirar mira look pensar piensa think perder pierde lose Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

comerlos cómelos eat them leerlo léelo read it dibujarlo dibújalo Place the object pronouns and reflexive pronouns after affirmative commands: comerlos cómelos eat them leerlo léelo read it dibujarlo dibújalo Draw him escucharme escúchame listen to me mirarnos míranos look at us Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Now form the affirmative tú commands for the following infinitives Now form the affirmative tú commands for the following infinitives. Remember that if the verb is followed by a pronoun you need to place it appropriately. hablar habla speak Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

comer ¡Come! Eat! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

¡Termínalos! Finish them! terminarlos Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

beber ¡Bebe! Drink! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

escribirla ¡Escríbela! Write it! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

mirarlas ¡Míralas! Look at them! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

¡Termínalos! Finish them! terminarlos Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

comprarla ¡Cómprala! Buy them! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

cantarla ¡Cántala! Sing it! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

pensar ¡Piensa! Think! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

leerlos ¡Léelos! Read them! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

creerme ¡Créeme! Believe me! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

tomarlo ¡Tómalo! Take it! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

cruzarla ¡Crúzala! Cross it! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Now translate the affirmative tú commands into Spanish Now translate the affirmative tú commands into Spanish. Remember that object pronouns and reflexive pronouns are placed after affirmative commands. Speak! ¡Habla! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Finish them (m)! ¡Termínalos! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Eat ¡Come! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Read! ¡Lee! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Walk! ¡Camina! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Think! ¡Piensa! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Live! ¡Vive! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Sing to us! ¡Cántanos! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Take a picture! ¡Saca una foto! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

¡Monta en la bicicleta! Ride the bicycle! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Read them (fem.)! ¡Léelas! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Study! ¡Estudia! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Wash it (fem, sing.)! ¡Lávala! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Listen to me! ¡Escúchame! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

¡Compra los pantalones! Buy the pants! ¡Compra los pantalones! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Irregular affirmative tú commands There are eight irregular tú commands that you have to memorize: decir di tell, say hacer haz do, make ir ve go poner pon put Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Irregular affirmative tú commands There are eight irregular tú commands that you have to memorize: salir sal leave ser sé be tener ten have venir ven come Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Give the affirmative tú command for the infinitives: Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

ser ¡Sé! Be! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

ir ¡Ve! Go! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

hacer ¡Haz! Do!, Make! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

ir ¡Ve! Go! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

poner ¡Pon! Put! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

salir ¡Sal! Leave! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

ser ¡Sé! Be! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

venir ¡Ven! Come! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

tener ¡Ten! Have! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

decir ¡Di! Say!, Tell! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

ser ¡Sé! Be! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

hacer ¡Haz! Do!, Make! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Now translate the affirmative tú commands into Spanish Now translate the affirmative tú commands into Spanish. Remember that object pronouns and reflexive pronouns are placed after affirmative commands. Be! ¡Sé! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Have! ¡Ten! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Put it on (m.)! ¡Ponlo! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Do them (f.)! ¡Hazlas! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Come ¡Ven! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Have ¡Ten! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Go ¡Ve! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Tell me! ¡Dime! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Leave! ¡Sal! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Put it (f.)! ¡Ponla! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Be ¡Sé! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Put ¡Pon! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Go! ¡Ve! Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219

Enjoy the life Disfruta de la vida * Diviértete Murphy/Garay Niles Township Dist. 219