Spanish pronunciation and accent marks Clyne 2012
Pronunciation Example: trabajar / azul Pronunciation is easy once you memorize the rules… 1. When a word ends in a consonant (other than n/s) you stress the last syllable. Example: trabajar / azul
pronunciation 2. When a word ends in a vowel, n or s the verbal stress is placed on the second to last syllable. Example: trabajo / nosotros / hablan
Most Spanish words end in a vowel, n or s, so the stress will normally be on the next-to-last syllable. Because Spanish has this rule, you never have to guess how to pronounce it!!
So what is an accent mark used for? So, it’s simple! An accent mark rule is used to say “break the rule!” Ex: examen – rule #2 examenes – The way this word is pronounced no longer follows rule #2. So what happens? An accent mark is added because it breaks the rule and you now say it the right way! exámenes
You do this in English without thinking! English is HARD because it does not have written accents!
ENGLISH!!!! AHHHHH!! Think of the word: Convict Think of the word : Read Think of the word: Offense Think of the word: Minute Accent marks would be most helpful!!
Exceptions…of course: Some words need accents to have a different meaning… You have bumped into several of these already.
For example: Tu=your Tú=you Si=if Sí=yes El=the Él=he
Also… Se, can be a reflexive pronoun BUT sé means I know AND sé can be ser in command form!! Te, can be a reflexive pronoun BUT té=tea
Now let’s practice!
Accent or no accent? If so, where? Sofa Tambien Papa Mesa pajaro Mujer Reloj Pescado cancion
Accent or no accent? If so, where? Sofá También Papá Mesa pájaro Mujer Reloj Pescado canción
done Relax…not too bad, right? It gets easier with practice…