RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Hands-On Session on PID registration and resolution and Type Registration Tibor Kálmán Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG) Tibor [dot] Kalman [at] gwdg [dot] de 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Overview Motivation Simple Usage Examples (webbrowser + curl) Resolution, Create Advanced Usage Examples (curl) Create Metadata Search (URL, checksum, fields) Using existing identifiers Template Handles InfoType Registry Infrastructure PID Replication PID ‘interoperation’ 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Motivation 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
Motivation This session is intended to show some basic and advanced usage examples of Handle persistent identifiers (PIDs) hosted by ePIC. It helps to understand how PIDs can be resolved and maintaned. The tutorial uses the following services: PID resolution: the Handle Proxy server for generic PID resolution PID management: the Demo PID service of GWDG and the ePIC-API-version2 ePIC-API-v2 GWDG API v1 SURFsara API v1 Other API v1 ePIC-API-v2 (you are here) Handle System DB 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Hands-On Session: ePIC FAQ: http://www.pidconsortium.eu/?page_id=1060 ePIC Policy & QoS: http://www.pidconsortium.eu/?page_id=904 ePIC API docs: http://docs.pidconsortium.eu/ The following Handle PID examples can be used for testing: 21.T11998/4B7335BF-CA0C-4671-9AAF-F36AE8AC88AB 21.T11998/TEMPLATEHANDLE 10.1000/182 11148/0000-0003-0B00-1 10.5072/11148/0000-0003-0B00-1 ePIC PID Service (DEMO): http://demo.pidconsortium.eu/handles/21.T11998/ User: rdademo1 Passwd: Training2016 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Simple Usage Examples 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Resolution 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Resolution (1) Use the Handle Proxy server to resolve the example PIDs above Use the online form at the web page of the Handle Proxy. Use the Handle Proxy to directly resolve a PID without the form (PID is part of the URL). Use the Handle Proxy server to get the metadata of the example PIDs above. (Hint: look at the documentation of the proxy) Handle Proxy: http://hdl.handle.net/ 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Resolution (2) Use the ePIC PID Service (DEMO) to resolve the example PID 21.T11998/0000-0011-2DA4-2 Use a web browser to get the metadata of the PID hint: PID is part of the URL Use a (command line) HTTP client hint: look at the documentation of the ePIC-API-v2 ePIC PID Service (DEMO): http://demo.pidconsortium.eu/handles/21.T11998/ User: rdademo1 Passwd: Training2016 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Solutions (1) 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Solutions (2) 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems CREATE & MAINTAIN a PID 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Management Use a REST client (e.g. curl command line client) to manage PIDs with the ePIC PID Service Create a PID with your test user Show the metadata of your PID Modify your PID hint: update the location (URL) ePIC PID Service (DEMO): http://demo.pidconsortium.eu/handles/21.T11998/ User: rdademo1 Passwd: Training2016 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Solutions (1) curl -v -u 'rdademo1:Training2016‘ -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '[{"type":"URL", "parsed_data":"https://rd-alliance.org/views-about-pid-systems-training-course"}]' http://demo.pidconsortium.eu/handles/21.T11998 Request Response (Header) Response (Body) 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Solutions (2) 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
Advanced Usage Examples 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
CREATE a PID with DC5 Metadata 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
‘Basic‘ PID vs PID with DC5 metadata 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Management Use a REST client (e.g. curl command line client) to manage PIDs with the ePIC PID Service Create a PID with your test user Show the metadata of your PID ePIC PID Service (DEMO): http://demo.pidconsortium.eu/handles/21.T11998/ User: rdademo1 Passwd: Training2016 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Solutions curl -v -u 'Rdademo1:Training2016' -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '[{"type":"URL", "parsed_data":"http://ratswd.de/dl/downloads/......pdf"}, {"type":"TITLE", "parsed_data":"European Persistent Identifier Consortium - PIDs ..."}, {"type":"AUTHORS", "parsed_data":"Tibor Kálmán, Daniel Kurzawe, Ulrich Schwardmann"}, {"type":"PUBDATE", "parsed_data":"2012"}, {"type":"PUBLISHER","parsed_data":"Scivero"}, {"type":"METADATA_URL","parsed_data":"http://d-nb.info/1030352194/about/rdf"}]' "http://demo.pidconsortium.eu/handles/21.T11998" 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
existing ID as an epic PID 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Using ID ‘ABCD-1234‘ curl -v -u 'rdademo1:Training2016' -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PUT --data '[{"type":"URL","parsed_data":"http://www.gwdg.de/TEST/099"}]' http://demo.pidconsortium.eu/handles/21.T11998/ABCD-1234 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Metadata seaerch 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Metadata Search Reverse Lookup for an object: Checking whether the object with the exact URL http://ratswd.de/dl/downloads/langzeitarchivierung_von_forschungsdaten.pdf has already had a PID: curl -u 'tkalman:passMyPaSsWoRd' -H "Accept:application/json" http://pid.gwdg.de/handles/11022/?URL=http://ratswd.de/dl/downloads/langzeitarchivierung_von_forschungsdaten.pdf (Note the ?URL=... Parameter.) Reverse Lookup: generic search: Getting the list of PIDs, where the URL contains "tibor": curl -u 'tkalman:pass‘ [...headers...] http://pid.gwdg.de/handles/11022/?URL=*tibor* (Note the ?URL=*pattern* parameter. The generic search works for all registered fields. The pattern can be an exact string or can contain wildcards. Interested readers might also check the limit=0 parameter in the "VIEW all details" example above.) Reverse Lookup: generic search with more patterns: Getting the list of PIDs, where the AUTHORS contains "Tibor" and the URL contains "gwdg.de" and the PIDs were registered by the institute with id: 1001: curl -u 'tkalman:pass‘ [...headers...] http://pid.gwdg.de/handles/11022/?AUTHORS=*tibor*&URL=*gwdg.de*&INST=1001 (Note the ?AUTHORS=*pattern*, the URL=*pattern* and the INST=... parameters. Interested readers might also check the limit=0 parameter in the "VIEW all details" example above.) 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Common Parameters Additional PREFIX & SUFFIX for the PID: curl -v -u 'rdademo1:Training2016' -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '[{"type":"URL","parsed_data":"https://rd-alliance.org/views-about-pid-systems-training-course"}]‘ http://demo.pidconsortium.eu/handles/21.T11998?prefix=RDA&suffix=TRAINING Result: 21.T11998/RDA-0000-0001-320E-8-TRAINING Using generators (for example, PID string is UUID): curl -v -u 'rdademo1:Training2016' -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '[{"type":"URL","parsed_data":"http://www.gwdg.de/TEST/001"}]' http://demo.pidconsortium.eu/handles/21.T11998?generator=uuid Result: 21.T11998/2A571CF2-6FC0-11E6-96B0-E41F1343FB94 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
Fragment Identifiers /Template Handles 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
Fragment Identifiers/Template Handles One object/entity and ‘unlimited‘ number of fragments: http://www.domain.org/video?begin=10&end=20 http://www.domain.org/video?begin=15&end=25 http://www.domain.org/video?begin=100&end=200 http://www.domain.org/book1?seite=10 Fragment identifiers / Template Handles can be used to reference an unlimited number of fragments of an object/entity without registering each potential fragment with a separate PID. utilize a 'base' and an 'extension‘ the 'template delimiter' devides the original Handle into a base and an extension and it is generally defined for the namespace (prefix) Example: PID: http://hdl.handle.net/123-456-789@begin=10&end=20 URL: http://www.domain.org/video?begin=10&end=20 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
Fragment Identifiers/Template Handles Hands-On excercise: Find out, which delimiter is used for templates in 21.T11998 and with which character it is replaced. Hint: look for the content of 0.NA/21.T11998 at the Proxy Use this delimiter, to address a fragment together with the PID 21.T11998/TEMPLATEHANDLE Hint: resolve 21.T11998/TEMPLATEHANDLE@abc=123&defghi=56789 at the Handle Proxy Handle Proxy: http://hdl.handle.net/ 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Solutions (1) Standardized way to define Templates Example: Prefix handle ‘0.NA/21.T11998‘ ‘HS_NAMESPACE‘ type Notes (experiences and open issues) Granularity (book, page, etc) Replication ePIC: 1+2 replicas Also the resolution of replica PIDs should support fragments! @ePIC: this is part of the policy PID Audit is challenging Metadata for each fragment the PID Persistency of fragment IDs Try to resolve: http://hdl.handle.net/21.T11998/TEMPLATEHANDLE@abc=123&defghi=56789 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems ePIC PIT DTR 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
ePIC PID InfoTypes Registry ePIC PIT DTR main page: http://dtr.pidconsortium.eu/ Registration of PID InfoTypes is an endorsement process Workflow: All PITs, which are currently registered, are "candidates“ ‘Reviewers‘ approve PITs After PITs become approved, they are frozen Change in approved PITs requires a new version For the endorsement process a ‘reviewing board‘ needs to be established Exercise: Check the ‘candidate‘ type: ‘date-time‘ 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
ePIC PIT DTR registration GUI (candidates) 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
ePIC PIT DTR registration GUI (candidates) 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems PID Infrastructure 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems PID Replication 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
Replication Information in Prefix 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems ePIC siteinfo Tool 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems ePIC siteinfo (JSON) 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
ePIC siteinfo Higher Level Services 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Thank you! Tibor Kálmán Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG) Tibor [dot] Kalman [at] gwdg [dot] de PID dieses Vortrages: 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems Backup slides 01.09.2016 RDA Europe: Views about PID Systems
EPIC PID vs DataCite DOI Metadata „schema“ in EPIC GWDG v1: Dublin Core 5 Metadata in EPIC v2: depends on the community PID records are managed by the PID-Service Metadata is stored in the PID DataCite Metadata Schema More services are involved in the management of a DOI record (incl. Metadata) Registration and management is a 2-steps process Metadata is not stored in the DOI, but in the MetaData Store 21.07.14 Tibor Kalman - Using DataCite DOIs in EPIC
Tibor Kalman - Using DataCite DOIs in EPIC Using DOIs at EPIC Policy for DOI „migration“: Community requirements are not clear at the moment Idea: Register EPIC PIDs by PID-Service Maintain metadata of the EPIC PID Register DOI (PID metadata would be automatically transformed to DataCite metadata) DOI has the same „ID“ EPIC PID: 11148/0000-0003-0B00-1 DataCite DOI: 10.5072/11148/0000-0003-0B00-1 21.07.14 Tibor Kalman - Using DataCite DOIs in EPIC
Sequence Diagram (PIDDOI) 21.07.14 Tibor Kalman - Using DataCite DOIs in EPIC
Register an EPIC PID first 21.07.14 Tibor Kalman - Using DataCite DOIs in EPIC
PID-Service View of EPIC PID 21.07.14 Tibor Kalman - Using DataCite DOIs in EPIC
Get Metadate of the EPIC PID 21.07.14 Tibor Kalman - Using DataCite DOIs in EPIC
Check EPIC PID Metadata again 21.07.14 Tibor Kalman - Using DataCite DOIs in EPIC
Create DOI (2 Hidden Steps: MDS and DOI) 21.07.14 Tibor Kalman - Using DataCite DOIs in EPIC
Tibor Kalman - Using DataCite DOIs in EPIC DOI Info @ MDS 21.07.14 Tibor Kalman - Using DataCite DOIs in EPIC
Converted EPIC Metadata for DOI 21.07.14 Tibor Kalman - Using DataCite DOIs in EPIC
Tibor Kalman - Using DataCite DOIs in EPIC Status Case study has already been made Metadata transformation might be challenging All EPIC users are mapped to one DataCite user Authorization issues ‘ll be handled by PID-Service All DataCite registration steps (Metadata, DOI, etc) are encapsulated into one step by the PID-Service Fault handling is challenging More steps might be a better idea Continue consulting with DataCite Communities: what are the real requirements? 21.07.14 Tibor Kalman - Using DataCite DOIs in EPIC