Publishing Services at the IEEE-SA Presentation to IEEE Computer Society Standards Activities Board 13-14 June 2006 Susan K. Tatiner, Associate Managing Director, Technical Program Development, IEEE Standards Association
Contents What does the Publishing staff do? Workload: past and present Publishing schedules Unit sales by committee Marketing efforts Improving publishing schedules
What Does the Publishing Staff Do? Core Publishing Responsibilities Protect IEEE’s interests through monitoring, evaluation, and publication of standards and standards related products Adhere to consensus process or Board policies Minimize legal risk Optimize revenue stream Enhance reputation (incl. international) Support volunteers in standards development by Providing resources for document development Providing tools to enhance or streamline document development
What Does the Publishing Staff Do? Other Publishing Responsibilities Review PARs and standards drafts for compliance with IEEE style and to address legal concerns and IP issues Attend WG meetings and develop volunteer training Address questions from staff or volunteers wrt applications, graphics, need for permission or agreements, developing alternatives to support WG needs, process issues that are manifested in drafts, appropriate numbering of documents or organization of content, and maintaining document integrity Develop methods for working efficiently with other organizations while developing standards, including SDOs Perform draft review, mandatory editorial coordination, legal reviews Review all standards submitted for ballot Provide support wrt ballot resolution on document style or format issues Review and coordinate IEEE and international style Act as main liaison with respect to Standards publishing issues SASB (Policy implementation) International SDOs (Style, doc dev, IP and dev costs), Volunteers (Tools, IP, legal) Internal staff Collaborators (Bluetooth, PMI, Open Group, etc.) Other IEEE entities (IEL, EA, Pubs, Customer Svc, IT) Supply editorial services as outlined in contractual agreements Document development (edit, proofread, tag/format, IP issues, etc) Web site development (design and content) Conduct RevCom reviews to ensure acceptable and accurate submissions for Board approval, and resolve issues Review draft to ensure that mandatory coordination issues were resolved Search for legal terms or phrases, for safety and conformance, and for IP issues Ascertain graphics quality or issues with applications used
What Does the Publishing Staff Do? Other Publishing Responsibilities Publish standards Proofread Copyedit Format and tag Design products for various media Manage volunteer review and changes to drafts Peer review pages and covers Upload documents with appropriate metadata and document information to SOL, IEL, archives, and conversion vendor Validate SGML/XML and archive, or correct Design and print materials Manage inventory and maintain the integrity of the product databases Perform pricing calculations and price changes Update documents for reaffirmations, ANSI approvals, International adoptions, withdrawals, stabilization, trial-use Maintain document integrity and availability from Word through Frame to SGML Produce ancillary documents and products Interpretations Errata SIN products (includes conducting peer reviews) VuSpec Dictionary database Maintain process knowledge and publishing tools Internal and vendor/freelance training to align with changes in process or publishing requirements Template development and maintenance Maintain or create editorial Web pages for Standards Development Online Review new publishing technology and act as resource for volunteers Ascertain graphics quality or issues with applications used
What Does the Publishing Staff Do? Publishing Organizational Chart
Workload: Past and Present Year Total no of stds Total pgs stds Avg pgs/std FTE Pgs/FTE 1995 66 5917 90 7 845 1996 88 8326 95 1189 1997 75 6389 85 913 1998 92 10764 117 1538 1999 8910 135 1273 2000 71 10721 151 1532 2001 73 5651 77 807 2002 53 8014 1145 2003 69 9993 145 5.5 1817 2004 13196 147 4.25 3105 2005 80 10815 1545
Publishing Schedules Year Avg no. weeks to pub % stds pub >24 weeks 1995 17 24% 1996 22 34% 1997 23 33% 1998 21 1999 18 23% 2000 19 31% 2001 16 19% 2002 13 25% 2003 17% 2004 20% 2005 13%
Unit Sales by Committee 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 TOTAL Units Design Automation 1000 713 613 393 310 167 3196 Learning Technology 26 22 55 18 121 LAN/MAN 3133 2068 1539 1923 1556 899 11118 Microprocessors & Microcomputers 1551 1399 784 819 650 513 5716 Portable Applications 625 204 87 32 38 42 1028 Simulation Interoperability 110 574 191 292 261 1738 Software & Systems 2188 2116 1491 1131 806 908 8640 Storage Systems 122 208 6 5 4 345 Test Technology 601 549 427 418 293 255 2543
Marketing Efforts News/Product info posted to appropriate Zone, e.g., Software Engineering Zone Press Release sent out to external newsgroups on approval of new and revised standards in progress or other major milestones Email Blast/Posting to StandardsWire, monthly e-Newsletter ( News blurb submitted to What's New@IEEE monthly e-Newsletter ( Press Release added to IEEE-SA Newsroom ( Potential for SA Homepage, under "What's Hot" ( IEEE Homepage, under IEEE News or Product Highlights ( IEEE-SA print IT Catalog, created yearly Products added to ShopIEEE online store ( and icon ads created Products added to IEEE Xplore ( Exposure at Exhibits and Trade Events
Improving Publishing Schedules Current commitment for unfunded projects: publish within 6 months Few projects actually take that long New manager will explore … Allocation methods Workflow instructions Changing commitment for 2007 For now, and in future, there are things standards developers can do Follow all instructions in MEC Use official templates Get copyright permissions early Ensure that graphics are in usable formats
Contacts Susan K. Tatiner, Associate Managing Director, TPD, 732-562-3830 Kim Breitfelder, Manager, Standards Editing & Production, (start date 19 June) Angela Ortiz, Program Manager, TPD, 239-574-1142
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