Ministry of Transport Update Bernadine Walsh 18 February 2010
Outline Safer Journeys Land Transport Management Act Review Heavy Vehicle Project Super Gold Card Review National Infrastructure Plan Rail Minister
Safer Journeys Launch – around late February Information been released over past few months Package of actions progressed over next couple of years, some immediate
Safer Journeys “If we're serious about improving road safety, future changes need to be based on evidence and on the experience of similar countries - like Australia.” – Minister Joyce The Minister wants a package on young drivers as one of the first actions to flow from the new road safety strategy.
Safer Journeys "Young New Zealanders have a fatality rate of 21 per 100,000 of population, in Australia it's 13 per 100,000 - that a huge difference and we need to understand the reasons behind that, including the sorts of interventions in place across that Tasman that we don't have here.” Minister Joyce
Safer Journeys In all but one State [ACT] the driving age is 16. In Victoria a probationary licence system is being introduced with a requirement for a good driving record to advance to the next licence stage. Queensland has introduced hazard perception testing into its graduated licensing testing. A number of states also have implemented or are implementing between 100 - 120 hours of driving practice to advance to the next licence stage while fines and demerit points for licence breaches are also in place in several states. Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland have vehicle restrictions for young drivers based on vehicle power.
Land Transport Management Act Review “Not a fundamental re-think of the LTMA framework” Within Scope The review is looking to: increase the effectiveness and durability of the LTMA’s planning, funding and accountability procedures and processes by simplifying terminology, reducing overlaps and duplications, and removing redundant requirements ensure the LTMA emphasises value for money reframe the LTMA’s tolling and public private partnership provisions to reduce barriers to the use of these mechanisms provide flexibility in the LTMA to use borrowing to support the delivery of the national land transport programme repeal the LTMA’s regional fuel tax provisions. Outside of Scope substantive revision to the Act’s underlying funding and planning framework, including hypothecation (the national land transport fund), the NZTA’s programming and funding approval roles, and regional planning and prioritisation new revenue mechanisms reviewing road management powers reviewing organisation form (with the exception of Regional Transport Committees).
Land Transport Management Act Review Milestones Preliminary work and engagement (ongoing) Cabinet decisions Bill introduction Select committee process Enactment of any new legislation Engagement Formal select committee process Minister has agreed to some engagement on proposals when further developed.
Heavy Vehicle Productivity The amendment is proposed to come into effect from 1 April 2010. Ministerial sign-off process over next month or so. An implementation plan is being developed by the NZ Transport Agency. Dedicated unit.
National Infrastructure Plan Release is likely over next few months
Minister Minister has new portfolio of Tertiary Education
Rail KiwiRail has been in discussion over its Strategic Business Plan with the Minister. Ministry in advisory role. Discussions are ongoing...still working things through. Minister focussed on freight business in particular. Host of other rail policy work going on in Ministry.
SuperGold Card Card was launched in 2007, provides free off-peak travel on public transport About 540,000 card holders, and 40,000 new cardholders eligible each year Crown appropriation of $18m p.a. for four years, 100% FAR (including NZTA/ regional council admin.) A review of scheme was always planned after first year Review currently under way, being led by the Ministry and NZTA NZTA survey of 1500 SGC holder regarding their experience and usage of the scheme Discussion document being finalised – will be consultation document out by April. The recognition that there needs to be pro-active leadership in the sector has resulted in the establishment of the PTLF - Chief Executive level forum Membership was determined by NZTA and MOT chief executives,. Not everyone in the sector, aimed for a small group Jointly chaired by NZTA / MOT It’s very new, still evolving. Sharing perspectives and adding value where it can develop a shared vision and implement initiatives collaboratively lead developments of the public transport sector communicate and engage across the sector. Up to individual organisations to drive initiatives back though their own organisations It is not supposed to be an advisory group to government, although advice could be provided e.g. test of the 2 proposals Next steps This is a priority project for the Ministry, but, we also don’t want to rush into amendments in addition to the contracting requirement, unless we are sure they are needed. Accordingly, a Cabinet paper recommending changes to the Act will not be ready before Christmas, as indicated in the Minister’s letter. Since the Minister’s letter of 2 September, we have been talking to a wide range of stakeholders, analysing what the Act gives us, observing the Hutt Valley negotiations and carrying out case studies of our own of Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, to see how best to achieve the Minister’s objectives.