1 Kings 1-8; 10-11; 2 Chronicles 5-7; Proverbs 1-3; 6; 20-21 The King Who Had It All Chapter 13 1 Kings 1-8; 10-11; 2 Chronicles 5-7; Proverbs 1-3; 6; 20-21
“The safest road to Hell is the gradual one — the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.” (C.S. Lewis: The Screwtape Letters)
Five Women included in the Lineage of Christ 1. Tamar – see Genesis 38:6-30 2. Rahab – see Joshua 2 (mother of Boaz) 3. Ruth – see book of Ruth 4. Uriah’s wife – 2 Sam. 12:24-25; 1 Kings 1:11-31 5. Mary – see Matthew 1:16 God includes you so other will see him through you.
Solomon’s sin is a sin of degrees What happened to that passion?
Wouldn’t you think they would learn? Wouldn’t you think…we would learn?
Wisdom is knowledge applied. It was sin. You would think!
Solomon had it all…but he lost the fear of God.