Felonies cont’d
Robbery Combines crimes against a person and property Involves taking property by force Can be a felony 1, 2, 3 depending on the circumstances
Disorderly Conduct Guilty if intent to cause public inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm Can include: fighting, unreasonable noise, use obscene language or gestures Is a misdemeanor or summary offense
Criminal Mischief Damage property of another Felony, misdemeanor, or summary offense depending on total amount of damage and public inconvenience
Institutional Vandalism Knowingly desecrates, vandalizes, damages or defaces a place of worship, school, community building
Prostitution Guilty if work in house of prostitution or engage in sexual activity for a business 3rd degree misdemeanor
DUI Stands for Driving under the Influence Cannot operate a motor vehicle while under influence of alcohol, controlled substance
Blood Alcohol Levels 0.00-0.05 is not legally drunk .06-.07 with other probable cause/evidence a person can be charged with DUI .08 or higher= presumption of intoxication
These all apply to adults over 21 Levels are lower when operating commercial vehicles or if you are under 21
Implied Consent Law Cop can request a person to take a blood or urine test if they reasonable evidence that they were driving or operating a motor vehicle If person refuses, you can face 1 year suspension of drivers license
DUI procedures Cop can choose any sobriety tests he wants Cop must inform suspect that if they refuse a test, they will lose their license Person must be under arrest before submitting to blood or urine test
DUI terms Driver=behind wheel: vehicle must be in motion Operator=behind steering wheel Actual physical control possession of keys is important For when person is not driver or operator
DUI punishments Misdemeanor If you don’t take ARD and go to trial and found guilty Fine, jail time, one year suspension of driver’s license