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Hispanic Heritage Month is where they celebrate Hispanic Hispanic Heritage Month is where they celebrate Hispanic. It is celebrated from September 15-October 15
Hispanic-Americans are Americans with Organs in the Hispanic countries of Latin.
The word “Hispanic” describes a term that originally denoted a relationship to Hispania.
In fact, the oldest city in the United States is St. Augustine Florida.
One important Hispanic was Cesar Chavez , a migrant farm worker who worked for fair treatment of Mexican workers on American farms.
Who is Guillermo Del Toro? Brief Biography Insert Picture He was born on October 9, Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico. At the age 21 he produced his first features.
Brief Biography Who is Miguel Hidalgo? Insert Picture He was born on May 8, 1753. He died on July 30, 1811 at Chihuahua, Mexico. He was a priest and investigator of Mexican Independence.
Who is Antonio Banderas? Brief Biography Insert Picture Jose Antonio Dominguez Banderas was born on August 10, 1960, in Malaga Andulasia, Spain. He played soccer till he broke his foot at age 14. Now he’s an actor and singer.
Brief Biography Who is Diego Rivera? Insert Picture He was born on December 8, 1886,in Guana Juito, Mexico. At age 10 he decided to become an artist. AT age 20 he was established as a painter.
Brief Biography Who is Pancho Villa? Insert Picture He was a Mexican Revolutionary leader who advocated for the poor and wanted agrarian reform. Also he was a killer and a band it. Many people remembered him as a folk hero.
Brief Biography Who is Emiliano Zapata? Insert Picture Born o August 8, 1879, in Anenecuilco, Morelos. He was a village leader, farmer, and horseman who became an important leader in the Mexican Revolution. Before the Revolution he was a young peasant like many others in his home states
Brief Biography Who is Celia Cruz? Insert Picture She was born on October 21, 1925, in Havana, Cuba. Died on July 16, 2003 in Fort Lee, New Jersey.
Brief Biography Who is Gloria Estefan? Insert Picture She was born on September 1, 1957, in Havana, Cuba. As a child she liked to write poetry. “When my father was ill , music was my escape,” Estefan told Washington reporters.
Who is Robert Rodriguez? Brief Biography Insert Picture He was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, USA. At very young he was interest in cartooning and film marking. After he went to making movies.
Brief Biography Who is Andy Garcia? Insert Picture Born on April 12, 1956, in Cuba. He was a popular student in high school. He began acting at Florida International University.
What event do Mexicans and Mexican-Americans celebrate on Sept. 16? September 16 is Mexican Independence Day
What are sikus, quenas, wankaras and charangos? Andean musical intruments
What three U.S. states are home to most Hispanic-owned businesses? California, Texas, and Florida
Who is the city of Galveston, Texas named after? Named after Marshall Bernardo de Galvez
What historic event is remembered in Puerto Rico on Sept. 23? El Grito de Lares
What historic event is celebrated on May 5th (or Cinco de mayo)? On May 5, 1862, Mexican forces defeated the invading soldiers of Napolean in the town of Puebla.
What is one of the accepted roots of the word Mariachi? It is a variation of the French word marriage, meaning wedding or marriage; or that it comes from the name of the wood used to make the platform on which the performers danced to the music of the village musicians.
Many U. S. place names are derived from the Spanish language Many U.S. place names are derived from the Spanish language. Locate them on a U.S. map, and write the states and cities on the following slides.
States: Colorado; Florida; Montana; Nevada; New Mexico; Texas; and Arizona
Cities: Alamo, Alcatraz Island, Boca Raton, California, Cape Canaveral, Colorado, El Paso Florida, Fresno, La Cruces, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Los Gatos, Montana, Nevada, San Antonio, San Francisco, Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Santa Fe,
Many common English words are very similar to Spanish vocabulary Many common English words are very similar to Spanish vocabulary. Name at least 10 Spanish: 1.)barbacoa English: 1.) barbecue 2. Canal 3. Color 4.Data 5. Chocolate 2. Abdomen 3. Actor 4. Animal 5. Auto
Many Hispanics in the United States came from nearby places, like Mexico and Guatemala.
people continue to serve as leaders in all fields today...