WHAT is an informative speech? A speech that GIVES INFORMATION to the audience of a particular topic. How? Define Describe Demonstrate Explain What is STROKE? Describe different types of STROKE? Demonstrate how to detect STROKE? Explain high risk lifestyle that may cause STROKE
Stroke Ischemic Stroke (Clots) Hemorrhagic Stroke (Bleeds)
Stroke Risk Factors Given Age (older) Gender (Man) Family history Controllable Weight Diet Smoking Alcohol Source:
PURPOSE of Informative Speech Relevant Needs, Wants New, innovative, creative Interesting Useful Unique The purpose of the informative speech is to provide interesting, useful, and unique information to your audience.
Types of Informative Speech How? Types? Define Describe Demonstrate Explain Definition Speech Descriptive Speech Demonstrative Speech Explanatory Speech
Informative speech topics Objects People Things Places Animals Products Processes Steps to do something How to do something Events Past Present Future Concepts Beliefs Ideas Theories
Informative Speech Structure (outline) Opening (Attention Grabber) Background/introduction Main message Body (Explanation) Supporting Idea 1 Supporting Idea 2 Supporting Idea 3 Closing (Reminder) Re-state main message (Conclusion) Final message (Hope) 1 Introduce what you want to say 2 Explain what you want to say 3 Conclude what you said
Surprising Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate Opening Question 1: Do you like chocolate? Question 2: Do you know the health benefits of chocolate? Body Nutritious contents Anti-oxidant contents Decrease risks of deadly disease (heart, stroke) Closing Dark Chocolate offers many health benefits Eat Dark chocolate Source:
Opening Strategies Get the attention of the audience Purposes Get the attention of the audience Win their heart to listen more Inform key points Make audience want to know more!
Opening Strategies 1. Attention-getter: WOW the audience by using attention getting tools 2. Relating the topic to the audience: Introduce topic and motivate audience to listen 3. Show your Credibility: How and Why you know about the topic 4. Preview the main points of discussion
Opening Strategies: How? Questions Shocking statistics Famous quotes Jokes Anecdotes Video clip (1’-2’) Others?
Opening Strategies 1Last weekend, I did many things. 2On Saturday morning, I stayed at home and did my household chores (washing my clothes, cleaning the house). 3In the afternoon, I went to a friend’s house. 4We had fun talking about many things. 5And, in the evening, I just watched my favorite programs on TV at home. 6On Sunday morning, I went to church. 7Then, in the afternoon, I spent time with my family. 8We cooked lunch and ate lunch together. 9In the evening, I stayed home relaxing and preparing for the next day. 10Those are the interesting things that I did last weekend. Questions Do you enjoy weekend activities? The same with me. Last weekend, I had many interesting activities. Shocking fact Many people sleep a lot during weekends. Well, not me. I had many activities to enjoy other than sleeping last weekend. Famous quotes Have a nice weekend! That’s what people always say before weekend. Yes. I had many nice activities last weekend.
Try this! Choose one topic and think of a strong opening to introduce this topic. Famous People Famous people in healthcare, famous people in nursing, lecturers in Faculty of Nursing (Un)Healthy lifestyle Food, drink, activities, dealing with stress School of nursing Schools of nursing around the world Hospitals Famous hospitals; dream hospitals; Siloam hospitals all around Indonesia Health problems and Diseases Heart Disease, Stroke, Pulmonary Disease, Diabetes, HIV AIDS Careers in Nursing Medical Surgical nurse, Pediatric nurse, Geriatric nurse, Nurse Anesthetist, Certified nurse midwife, Nurse Educator, Nurse Practitioner, … etc.