Writing and Drawing in Early Years at Westgate Lower School
Children are encouraged to communicate in many different ways
We assess the children’s pivot in September. Shoulder pivot Elbow pivot ~ Emergent Stage Elbow pivot ~ Proficient Stage Wrist pivot Finger pivot
We assess the children’s pencil control in September.
We plan a supportive, inspirational environment to meet all children’s needs.
Adult led support First Funs PE Clever fingers
Opportunities to draw and write to communicate their ideas
Resources that support fine motor control development. tongs pegs/beads finger painting lego coins dough balls
Our outside mark making opportunities.
Learning collaboratively in role provides meaningful, purposeful opportunities for writing. This is for owl.
Phonics First Approach Writing development Mark making Letter like symbols Strings of letters Initial letter sounds & consonants that represent words. Phonic spelling.
Brave Writing Children are encouraged to apply their phonic skills, use key words and “have a go” on their own.
At home Model writing for your child, please use our lower case school script Encourage your child to write: notes, lists, captions, cards. Using “Brave Writing” Scribe your child’s ideas Value all your child’s writing attempts Provide opportunities to develop fine motor control; playdough, painting, lego Continue to read and share stories and rhymes