Introduction Earth Science
Entering the classroom Enter quietly Sharpen pencils if needed Turn in any homework or other assignments that are due Sit in assigned seat quietly Begin warm up activity
Classroom Procedures Turn work into assigned box 3rd period Red 4th period Pink 5th period blue 6th period turqouise
Getting out of seat 1 finger if you need to get a writing utensil or sharpen a pencil 2 fingers to use the restroom Once I acknowledge you get the correct pass Sign out 3 fingers to get a tissue
Class Rules Be Prepared Be Respectful Have all required materials for the day Be ready to learn Be ready to work Be Respectful Yourself, your teacher, your school, and your peers Follow directions the first time given Talk only when you have permission Group work Teacher called on you Stay seated Unless given permission to get up
Give me 5
Late Work If student is absent (excused) he/she will have 3 days to turn in missed assignments After the 3 days work is considered late and points will be deducted accordingly If student is absent and it is unexcused he/she will have 3 days to turn in the missed assignments however 11 points will be deducted from the grade given. If a student fails to turn in work on time, they may turn in the work for a late grade. 11 points will be deducted from the grade. Ex: if student receives an 85 the grade recorded will be a 74. It is the students responsibility to check the absent work basket to retrieve work missed. If there is nothing in the basket, ask Mrs. Kitchens for missing assignments
Lab Safety Video