Classical Greece
Greece 16ABC
Geography Large mountainous peninsula Hilly terrain Farming was difficult Relied on trade Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea 16C
Greek Civilization Minoans 2,000 BC – 1,400 BC lived on the island Crete Developed their own writing Used copper bronze Built ships Mysteriously collapsed Mycenae (my-see-nee)(1,400 BC – 1,200 BC) Warrior people
Rise of City-States Mountains, seas cut off populations from one another Isolation Caused different communities to develop their own ways of life. City-states developed Had a govt System of laws 3A 16C 21B
Rise of City-States Polis = a town where people would meet discuss political, economical, social and religious activities Olympic games played every 4 years to honor Zeus Honored athletes and competition Pleased the gods 3A 21B
Sparta important city-state large slave population = wealth Controlled and disciplined lives Large effective army! no arts or new ideas Only war mattered Boys trained very young 21B 24A
Athens Limited Democracy – government controlled by its citizens “Rule of the people” Only men over 30 yrs could participate Women, foreigners, slaves = non- citizens Oligarchy =Ruled by small group of elite, wealthy people 3A 16B 21B
Athens Rights Responsibilities Voting Passing laws Speaking at public meetings Responsibilities Participating in govt Paying taxes Following laws 21B 22B
Athens Jury system Trial by a jury of your peers Innocent until proven guilty laws of Sparta and Athens equal justice to all 21B 22B
Society Patriarchal women had little political life women ran households Women shared in family businesses Children were educated at home by mothers, Children helped farm 24A
The Persian Wars (490 BC-479 BC) Persian War = united all the Greek city-states against Persia Greeks vs. Persian Empire King Xerxes Greek victories at Marathon and Salamis barley beat the Persians faster Greek naval ships helped them win 3A
The Golden Age of Pericles Era of peace and achievements after the Persian Wars Freedom and confidence strengthening of navy and overseas trade direct democracy One person, one vote 3A 20A
Philosophy Philosophy = “love of wisdom” Socrates, Plato, Aristotle Human reasoning Understand the world, solve its problems Socrates, Plato, Aristotle Applied logic to science 3A 25B
Art Statues and buildings with balance and proportions painted with bright colors sculptures use of columns Parthenon = marble temple for Athena Acropolis = hilltop 3A 26A 25B
Science and Math Eratosthenes = geographer Hipparchus = mathematician Earth was round calculated its circumference Hipparchus = mathematician Latitude, longitude 27AE
Science and Math Archimedes = greatest mathematician of ancient times geometry Studied pulleys and levers Measured volume and density Designed catapults Studied pi 27AE
Science and Math Pythagoras Euclid Geometry, philosopher numbers are useful for more than counting things formulas could help establish patterns in nature Modern scientific theory is based on his theories Euclid geometry 27AE
Science and Math Aristarchus Sun is larger than Earth Earth and other planets revolve around Sun 27A
Ancient Epidaurus 3A
Peloponnesian Wars (432 BC – 404 BC) Athens had power to tax other city-states Sparta declares war! Sparta wins Athens is weakened forever
Alexander the Great Inherited throne of Macedonia Military tactics and leadership Conquered the Persian Empire to the Indus River Valley spread Greek thought and practice across Africa, Europe, and Southwest Asia 3A
Alexander the Great
Hellenistic Age Hellenistic Age= blend of Greek culture with cultures from the Middle East and India Spread through conquest Library in Alexandria, Egypt = encouraged learning Hellenistic art, math, science, trade 3A