Tidal Power July 2008 Vertrouwelijk Quintel Strategy Consulting Atrium - Strawinskylaan 3051 1077 ZX Amsterdam Nederland www.quintel.nl July 2008 Vertrouwelijk
Tidal power can be classified into two main types Tidal Power What is it? Tidal power harnesses the kinetic energy of tidal currents or potential energy of sea level variations due to the sun and moon’s gravities Tidal energy is the only energy related to the moon and harnessing it will actually slow down the earth’s rotation and increase the distance to the moon1 Tidal power can be classified into two main types Tidal stream systems make use of the kinetic energy of moving water to power turbines, and have lower cost and lower ecological impact than barrages. Barrages make use of the potential energy in the difference in height between high and low tides. They have very high civil infrastructure costs, a worldwide shortage of viable sites, and environmental issues Tidal energy is predictable (unlike wind energy), which makes it dependable Tidal stream systems are the preferred option for further development, especially for remote (marine) settlements 1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_power
RWE plans 10.5 MW sea current power plant off Welsh coast Tidal Power Examples RWE plans 10.5 MW sea current power plant off Welsh coast SeaGen is the name given to the 1.2MW tidal energy convertor that is currently being installed in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland2 November 2, 2004 China Endorses 300 MW Ocean Energy Project3 Verdant power in the East River (NYC): six turbines of 10 MW together 2: http://www.marineturbines.com/18/projects/19/seagen/ 3: http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/story?id=17685
Development of Tidal Energy Markets in the World . Tidal Power What is it? Development of Tidal Energy Markets in the World . The market for deep water tidal turbine generators is an educated guess because few countries have completed resource assessments. Based on the recent assessments done in Europe and Canada together with rough estimates of tidal sites in other parts of the world, Clean Current estimates that market for equipment is at least 67,000 MW. At US$2000-US$ 3000 per kW the equipment market has a potential of reaching US$200 billion. When fully developed, these tidal energy farms would deliver about 138 billion kilowatt hours of electricity each year. At 20 US cents per kW hour, the annual market for electricity would be US$27.6 billion. The key to developing this market potential is a simple, efficient, long life, low cost technology that is relatively environmentally benign. Clean Current's technology meets these criteria. 1: http://www.cleancurrent.com/index.htm
Successful technologies have these qualities Tidal Power What is it? Successful technologies have these qualities High water to wire efficiency - the starting point in producing the most kilowatt hours of electricity is the overall efficiency of the blades, gearboxes and generators. All competing technologies will face approximately the same transmission and power conditioning losses. Design life - maintenance at strong tidal sites is expensive. Salt water is an unfriendly environment. Time between major overhauls is critical to economics. Service life - the service life of technology must be in excess of 20 years to justify front end costs. Simplicity - a small number of moving parts and an uncomplicated control system are necessary in a hostile environment. Low cost to manufacture - simple designs and the use of non exotic materials. Low cost to maintain - small number of moving parts; small number of sealed areas; effective anticorrosion protection and effective antifouling protection (usually site specific). Position of unit relative to sea floor - current velocities are seriously impaired close to the bottom of the flow column. Secure mounting systems - systems for mounting horizontal axis devices above the sea floor must be robust enough to withstand the forces of peak tides and must not impede the flow pattern of the tidal currents. Low environmental impact - environmental disturbance during installation and operation must be minimized. Ducted technologies avoid exposed blade tips. 1: http://www.cleancurrent.com/powerroducers/index.htm
Tidal Images
Potential Sites for Tidal Stream Power Plants Tidal Images Potential Sites for Tidal Stream Power Plants